When Germany holds Leningrad, Russia and Stalingrad they receive a bonus total of 15 ipc’s, 5 for each territory. If you lose Leningrad yet still hold R and S do you get 10 bonus ipc’s? When we play we believe you must hold all 3 to get the 15 ipc’s. Now some have said losing one of the 3 territories does not void the remaining 10 ipc’s. Can we get a ruling on this l? Thx we’re new and love the game.
Best posts made by Smack
Germany NO’s when holding Leningrad, Russia and Stalingrad?
[House Rules] Should allies receive a bid?
I’ve played a couple of games now and axis seem to have a big advantage. Is there’s suggested bid?
IJN and USN sea battle at Tokyo
Here’s the scenario, US has moved its fleet to adjacent SZ to Tokyo and SZ 6. It could not attack because it exhausted its move. But apparently will attack on its next turn. On Japan’s turn, with a smaller fleet, it attacks US fleet. Both sustain damage to their carriers and BB’s. Here’s the question, if Japan breaks off the attack can their capital ships be repaired before the US turn? Which follows Japan. One player says since they are in port at a navy base they are repaired and obviously the US is not repaired (no navy base). I say they are repaired on Japan’s next turn and not immediately at the end of their turn. Thx for the help.