Ya, I’m surprised nobody mentioned the previous post till now…
Massed German tanks ignore so many things (also if they’re sticklers for the rules, they better be paying 6ipc for those tanks).
There’s no way they can safely secure all of Europe with just buying tanks if you park a large fleet off Spain and can threaten France, Italy and elsewhere. Force him to go defensive.
Also shuttle fighters to Russia… British and American if needed… make him pay to go all out Russia… trading infantry for tanks as previously mentioned will help.
If he sends everything to Russia than you send everything to Europe, Japan can wait, you’ll get a German kill since he neglects defense.
If your friends 100% refuse bids, change games on them… go get Anniversary Edition and play it buy the book all you want… there’s two scenarios (1941/1942) and two modes for each (with or without National Objectives)… that’s FOUR different “by the book” ways you can play A&A instead of the one lopsided way in 1942.