US War Time Production: To show the isolationist attitude of the US towards the war in Europe, change the 20 IPC value of USA to a variable amount. With increasing provocations from Germany on US interests before entering the war, the calculation includes an increase for each turn.
The variable calculation is; 8 + Tn + 2d6, where Tn = turn #. At point where US enters the war, the latest calculated IPC count of US will be fixed for USA going forward. (US can hold until after turn 4 to declare war in an effort to possibly improve the IPC value).
Interesting house rule, my group will try something like that next time we play.
I’ve always been confused about production speed in all flavors of A&A games … it takes 1 turn to build infantry and 1 turn to build aircraft carriers and battleships … seems like it should take longer for the USA to build a navy than it does for the Russian Empire to draft conscripts.