@fasthard Thank you.
Posts made by kennethofborg
RE: A PC Calculator for IPCs
@allister The download should be a file called “AnA_IPC_Calculator.7z”. That means it is a compact zip file so it needs to be unzipped to use. I suggest the free program 7-Zip file manager. https://www.7-zip.org/download.html Once you install this program and open it put this path: C:\Users(Your User Name Here)\Downloads in the 7_Zip path. Now select the "AnA_IPC_Calculator.7z file in your Downloads folder and click Extract in the 7_Zip menu bar. In the new window that opens, click the box with the three dots that is to the right of the Extract to: field. Here you can make a new folder in our Documents folder and call it something like “AnA_Calculator” and click OK and again OK. This will extract the zip file into your new folder. Now use File Explorer to navigate to your new folder and one of the new files will be called “AxisAndAlliesCalculator.exe”. Double clicking that file will start the program running with the map window open. Hope this helps. This does not work for Pacific 1940, sorry.
ken -
RE: A PC Calculator for IPCs
The extra IPD conditions will require more code logic to build into a global calculator. I could give it a go but would ask for a commitment on your part. To complete the project I would like to teach you how to position the buttons correctly on the map.
I will take on getting the code working to create the buttons and calculate while you place the buttons. Would you be willing to spend some time on Skype with me, install an editor and let me show you how xaml code (the top of the image above) works to place the buttons on the map ( the bottom part of the image)?
RE: A PC Calculator for IPCs
Very good!
I was able to cut out the map image and covert it. It is fewer pixels than for 1942 but this will likely not be important.
Do you have images for the nation insignias other than the German, Japanese, USA, UK and USSR images I already have?
The .txt file looks good too.
I just need to ask three stupid questions.
First, because the current code is a calculation of total IPC it does not include territories with zero value. There is no reason to put the radio buttons for a zero IPC territory on the map. The button function is to exchange ownership of IPC values. Is there some other feature to Global that is different than for 1942? If not I can just remove those zero IPC lines.
Second, what is the “n” owner in Global? Is that no owner but there could be?
Third, what is “nAllies” and “nAxis” owner in Global? Is this some alliance of neutrals? (Sounds like there may be a need for new code logic to deal with a complicated set of rules.) This will take more work.
Also, regarding your original observation about the capture of capital: There currently is no accounting for the loss of a nation’s capital in this code.
The question:
Would I correctly follow the board game rules if I have the nation’s IPC income turn to zero when the capital territory falls to an opposing nation? If the capital territory was liberated by the original owner nation or a friendly nation, it would again show the total IPC income of that nation. (program already keep track of liberated territory returning IPC to the original owner)To be clear, this program just adds up a nation’s IPC total income from territories to determine income for that turn. It does not keep track of cash held by any nation, player.
Coding the capture of a Capital territory?
The background:
I have written a PC computer program that calculates the total IPC income for each nation as you update the PC map with the territories controlled to match that on your board game. (see link - 1942 2nd ed)
link to post In1942
There currently is no accounting for the loss of a nation’s capital in this code. (I figured people would know they could not collect that income.)The question:
Would I correctly follow the board game rules if I have the nation’s IPC income turn to zero when the capital territory falls to an opposing nation? If the capital territory was liberated by the original owner nation or a friendly nation, it would again show the total IPC income of that nation. (program already keep track of liberated territory return IPC to the original owner)To be clear, this program just adds up a nation’s IPC total income from territories to determine income for that turn. It does not keep track of cash held by any nation, player.
RE: A PC Calculator for IPCs
Thanks fasthard. That is just the kind of help I needed. The code to correct that will be coming in an update to the download.
As for making a version for Global, yes that is possible. I would need some help though.
Images: I used my cell phone to take two pictures of each half of the 1942 map and photoshopped ( or gimp, a free photo editor) the two images into one map image. This is the background map you see in the PC program. Can you do that or do you know someone that can? The final image is a massive 4741 by 2800 pixels but could be smaller. ( you just lose some of the zoom depth) I would also need 300 by 300-pixel images of the insignias of the additional nations in the game.
Support Files:
There would also need to be an updated version of this text file to reflect the territories on the map.
BasicCountryList.txtThe file starts out like this:
Norway;2;Germany;Germany; …Each new line is a territory in the game. The information in each line is in the order of name, IPC, current owner, original owner. Someone would need to provide a list like that for the global game. Do you have, or do you know, someone with Excel spreadsheet skills?
After creating these supporting files there will be a process of creating and editing the location of all the radio buttons on the map. I will be glad to show you how that is done.Thanks again.
RE: A PC Calculator for IPCs
I just updated the download link above. My database had New Guinea twice and this could have given incorrect totals. This issue is fixed. Please delete and redownload the calculator if your download file was named other than “AnA_IPC_Calulator.7z”.
I have also added the capture and liberation of the capital to zero out or return income.
A PC Calculator for IPCs
I wrote some code for a calculator to keep track of IPC during a board game of Axis and Allies 1942, Second Edition. As an amateur coder and new to this board game I need feedback, please. (Got a lot of help from my friend Rainer. Thanks ‘Reg’)
see it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/d1heYfO4ME4
There is a link to download the code below. It is not a PC game. The idea is it will run on your PC, (laptop, desktop or PC tablet), with a mouse. Boot it up when you start a board game and keep track of each nation’s IPC totals by clicking a radio button in a territory on the map to change ownership. Watch the IPC totals update as territories change ownership.
Download the file. (It comes from bitbucket, a password protected code repository but have your security software scan it in any event for security.) Use 7-zip to unpack it in a new folder on your hard disk. Click on the AsixAndAlliesCalculator.exe file to run the code. Let me know what I did wrong. Thanks.
5/2/2020 — I have updated the code to deal with the capture and liberation of a nation’s capital. It will zero out the income and then return it on liberation.
RE: Germany with 41 IPC, not 40?
Thank you. Odd that this has not been ‘fixed’ and games still go out with setup cards with the 40 and 30 IPC values.
I noticed this as I am coding a calculator for the game to run on personal computers. This calculator will allow you to select a map territory, change the ownership on a dropdown menu and automatically update national IPC totals. This is still a work in progress. I hope to save gamers from keeping up with the national production chart on the game board or doing it on paper.
Germany with 41 IPC, not 40?
Is it a known issue that Axis and Allies 1942, Second Edition Setup Cards and Rulebook say Germany has 40 IPCs at starting while the map gives them 41? (And the UK at 30 vs 31?) Used the search function on the forums to see if this is a known issue but came up with nothing relevant. (Sorry if this is well known.) Thanks