@Xayd74 (apologies - not going to quote your last post responding to my questions - would take up too much space!)
I see your points, and think that it seems pretty sound. I just cant help but be a little skeptical of too strong a reliance on one form of strategy. Don’t get me wrong, I agree that the conveyor system from WUS to Australia is critical, particularly if that region is going to be the emphasis of the game. And I see your point about HI and WUS being weak - but ultimately secure.
I just wonder what the effect is if the system is stalled in Queensland by a Japanese player that has done more than just box in the UK, but essentially obliterated it and taken India. Seems the Japanese player can then concentrate his force out the DEI or the Philippines and begin a concentrated effort of rolling you back (assuming you’ve attempted to expand into DEI).
I like that it accounts for various Japanese starting round attacks. But is it fair to say that this strategy contemplates a KIF strategy by the Japanese player? And not a KAF one?
But I see the flexibility the approach has, particularly in shifting north through the Carolines and perhaps bringing the battle to the central Pacific, in effect incorporating some of the elements Uncle Joe has discussed.
These approaches seem pretty sound. I wonder if people claiming the game is out of balance (in favor of Japan) have ever really encountered something like this.