Me and my buddies were playing the global version of this and we simply can’t win with the axis, granted we’ve only played 4 times with this setup but each time the axis got blown out of the water even when the best player in our group used them. We think were playing this version right but not really sure with how the games have gone.
Posts made by GermanEmpire
RE: Simple 1939 setup variant for Global 1940?
RE: Which side of the map is better?
That is also what I was thinking, it seems to me that it is more worthwhile for the U.S. to spend most of their IPC’s on the European side and just try to hold off Japan from capturing the 6 victory cities.
RE: Which side of the map is better?
Huh, I never realized that they changed the winning conditions in alpha 3. I guess the Axis would win in both situations. I guess I mean hypothetically than if you had to win by taking over the world who would win in these situations?
RE: Which side of the map is better?
How would they win in both situations? If the allies control one side or the other that means the Axis would have no victory cities on one map and almost all of them on the other map
Which side of the map is better?
Lets say Japan had dominated the game and had control of everything in the Pacific except mainland U.S. So they captured Hawaii, and Australia, but on the European theater the Allies had taken Germany and Italy. Who would win this match up? And also say Germany and Italy dominated the European theater and the only spots they haven’t taken yet are neutrals and mainland U.S and the Allies had taken everything in the Pacific including Japan. Who would win that?
RE: The Afrika Korps
The only way Germany will be making 70+ ipc’s by turn 3 or 4 without attacking Russian is if the Allied players are being run by people who have never played before. I find it highly unlikely that Germany can realistically be making 70= ipc’s a turn by than.
Mongolia attacked?
If Japan moves into any Mongolian territory before attacking Russia do the rest pop up as Russian units and/or does this break the neutrality of the game and make every true neutral spot become pro allies?
Online play?
Is there any online play for Axis and Allies Global 40? All I can find is for the classic games.
RE: How to deal with the Italian fleet in UK1?
When you do the Taranto raid if they bring up planes, make sure you only lose the fighter(s) from the U.K and the ships, as the ships are going to die anyways and if they don’t bring up planes make sure you let your fleet survive and maybe lose a plane or two they weren’t gonna land on the the carrier so if the Luftwaffe does attack or the small Italian airforce, they will pay with a lot of planes which will cost them on the Russian front.
RE: How to deal with the Italian fleet in UK1?
What I usually do is if my cruiser survives from sea zone 91 I would attack the Italian destroyer and transport at Malta with the cruiser and the fighter from Gibraltar and have the fighter land on Malta. Than in the Taranto raid I would have the British bomber from Uk and have it land on Malta, Have two fighter from Uk also in the raid and have them potentially land on the carrier if it lives. Than also the fighter from Malta and have it land on Malta. Than the carrier and tactical, destroyer and cruiser from sea zone 98 in the raid. Have all planes land on Malta except the two planes from U.K they will have to land on the carrier.
So basically what you have is:
1 fighter + 1 cruiser vs 1 destroyer = 95% chance you succeed.
3 fighters + 1 tactical bomber + 1 bomber + 1 destroyer + 1 cruiser + 1 carrier
1 cruiser + 1 battleship +3 fighters
= 94% chance you succeedFirst round you should lose 3 units and they should lose 3.6 units.
So, you lose the carrier plus destroyer, they lose the battleship and cruiser plus maybe one fighter.
Nest round you lose maybe 2 units so you lose the 2 fighters from U.K and have the cruiser live since the fighters are gonna die anyways.
You can also do this with only sending 1 fighter from the U.K so only one fighter sinks after your carrier dies but your cruiser dies as well and your planes live and land on Malta. You would only do this because the Luftwaffe or Italian air force will probably blow the cruiser up anyways. If you send 1 less fighter though you always risk losing the battle. If you send 1 less fighter your winning percentage goes down 15% from 95 to 80. -
RE: The Afrika Korps
Yeah I’ve never done a sea lion attempt or even faked it before ( I’ve played probably 20 games before) but looking at this forum i’m starting to see the benefits of faking one as the British have to spend money on the island giving the Italians some breathing room. Also no the Japs didn’t. The Americans I was looking at can hit the Japan fleet with quite a few things and even if they dint kill the Japan fleet it would be substantially minimized and I would have to spend IPC’s on more ships than on land units needed on the mainland. The ships went down south to threaten the British and Anzac and make them think twice before sending any ships to the money islands.
Also, basically all game since I declared war on turn 1 with Japan the British have been making 10 or less IPC’s a turn because I took Kwantung and Borneo on the first turn.
RE: The Afrika Korps
My first German build was a complex on Romania, some subs and a tank. The complex was so I could build a little navy presence in the Turkish strait so once I take Turkey I could relieve some pressure on the Italians. The U.K reacted by building a complex on Egypt and stacking there. The Italians were great right off the bat as I placed a german fighter on Southern Italy and when the British did the Taranto raid they failed and Italy had the Mediterranean to themselves.
Yeah the U.S. did spend a lot of money in the Pacific the first four rounds and than started building transports and shipping men in the Europe. Although they are starting to build a naval presence in the pacific again after getting crushed the first time I attacked them.
Also, I did use the Germans to attack Turkey on turn 3, as soon as I did this though, Russia started stacking in the Caucasus.
RE: Russian Lend Lease
I thought that seazone 125 just had to be free of axis warships. Does a sub count as a warship?
RE: The Afrika Korps
I decided to try out this strategy the other day and it hasn’t failed quite yet, but it seems I am at a bit of a disadvantage right now. Currently its round 7 and the Germans have made some headway into Africa as they are only 2 spots away from South Africa. They own most of the middle east but just last turn the Russians were able to capture Turkey and have about 10 land units on it. The Germans also own no Russian territories because to make any progress in the middle east and Africa Germany had too send enough units to do it and didn’t have enough to fight Russia. At one point Russia had full control of Slovakia. Also Germany has lost control of Norway to the U.S and they have built a minor there. Western Europe is heavily defended by Italy as they are making 30+ IPC’s a turn, but Spain looks like it is about to fall to yet another invasion attempt by the Americans and British combined.
Japan declared war on turn 1 and avoided attacking the Russians. The Japs looked like they were doing great because they had all of China by turn 5 and were threatening India, plus they owned all the money islands, but than the Russians sent over a pile of men and tanks because Germany wasn’t able to do much to Russia so Russia had units to spare. So now they are losing Chinese spots fast to the Russians. The Japs also currently have next to nothing of their navy left because they attacked the American fleet and succeeded but than got brutal rolls against a British fleet that came over from the Pacific.
I think Italy will be able to defend Europe for a bit longer w\out support from the Germans but the Germans will have to help defend Spain. The Germans if they get to spend all their money on Russian could make some progress but some of their money is going into Africa cause the Allies bought a complex on Egypt and British is now spending 15 IPC’s a turn on the South Africa complex so taking Africa is becoming a struggle. The Japs if they spend almost all their money on the mainland buying land units will be able to retake what they’ve lost to the Russians in China but with barely any fleet left the combined forces of whats left of the British fleet, the transports and subs of Anzac and the newly built American fleet, soon all the money island will be in Allied hands and Japan’s economy will suffer because of that. On the other hand if Japan responds to the fleet build up and spends most of their money on ships, they will either be overrun on the mainland or if they are lucky just hold their original Chinese spots. Either way Japan’s economy is going to suffer in the coming turns.
RE: Non-combat move Denmark strait
Thank you for replying so quickly and yes I’ve seen that ploy before. right now i’m trying out the 1942 set up on the global 40 board, so the British are capturing Denmark so the U.S can capture Germany.
Non-combat move Denmark strait
Hello, I was wondering if the British player could do this. Okay the situation is its Britain’s turn and they take Denmark on their combat move. Could they than on their non-combat move get British ships past the Denmark strait?
RE: When to bring America into the war
The USA can declare war on Japan before turn 4 unprovoked? Is this a part of different rule sets?
When to bring America into the war
Just wanted to see people’s strategies for when to bring the Americans into the war
RE: Multinational contested territories
Thank you for replying so quickly. Another quick question if you don’t mind. If the allies bombard a territory and they score a hit with their battleship, does the unit that got hit get to fire back?