I’m interested in your views on another Dutch idea… what I call “Double Dutch” and posted on the G40 forum as a new topic –
"Since G40 has Dutch marker emblems printed on the board, I’ve become interested in finding a way to include them in the game without simply forcing them in and creating more meaningless clutter in the process.
@eroxors has some nice posts and other members give thoughtful discussion here [The Dutch Diaspora, alternate AAG1940 playable faction]
After some admittedly light surface research (reading a few wikipedia sites about Suriname and the historical Dutch Gov’t in Exile at London), I can envision a scenario where the Dutch begin as an Allied power in Exile, but then SWITCH to Axis. What–how?
Basically, the Dutch were cooperative with Germany prior to a betrayal by Nazi Germany. Then, while a Gov’t in Exile at London, the Dutch leaders were made essentially impotent by the Queen–Churchill considered her “the only man in the Dutch government.”
Suddenly, the Nazis are decapitated as the controlling Party of Germany when Hitler is successfully assassinated at the hand of his own inner-circle (the assassination is not scripted at a particular point in the game, but rather is a chance event, based on a recurring die roll–no pun intended). The National Socialist Party fractures in splinters, and is displaced when contemporary-minded civilian and military entities reorganize in unity, under the headship of fictional Dietrich Helm, who is swiftly installed as the new German National Unity Party Leader. Hammer Geil becomes Commander of German armed forces, and the Generals are happy to finally have a military man heading their operations. (As an aside, in order to stomach the fun of playing Germany, which is part of my ethnic heritage, I’ve imagined a different German Leadership during the war. This is a personal side-benefit of this optional faction.)
In the new ruling Party’s immediate attempt to gain another European ally, reparations (in terms of restored Holland-Belgium territorial sovereignty, with a defense pact, plus an additional pledge of a specified number of German IPCs and units) are offered to the Dutch leadership now embittered by the mothering of the British Queen–and The Dutch become a WESTERN Axis Power!
To safeguard the now-Axis government and in a stroke of geopolitical genius, Suriname is established as the Dutch Wartime Capital/Headquarters. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Venezuela turn Pro-Axis. An uprising occurs in the West Indies, which possibly falls to Dutch control (more on that later).
(Depending on balancing factors, a small number of Dutch units are placed in Suriname and Belgium-Holland. To protect Suriname from immediate American invasion, some National Objective or consequence may need to be invoked. One idea to promote a feasible Double-Dutch entry could be that additional international neutrals with historical ties to The Low Countries and even Spain or Portugal would all turn Pro-Axis if the Allies invade the South American State. The Monroe Doctrine could require such an invasion? Another hybrid idea is given in greater detail below.)**
In the Pacific, however, the Western-Axis Dutch become NEUTRAL with the Japanese, but can become AT WAR with Japan–only if provoked by an attack. If the Japanese already occupy originally-Dutch territories, a resolution based on an overall alignment with the Axis is reached. Those details could include the Dutch “buying back” the IPC value of each Japanese-controlled territory originally belonging to the Dutch, all at once or incrementally, with the political power of the European Axis Powers being sufficient to broker a deal with the Japanese. Occupying Japanese units would exit the Dutch East Indies as soon as possible, without combat occurring. Japan would receive one-time per territory the IPC value of each “liberated” Dutch East Indies territory as each is converted.
Once a W-Axis, Dutch units are considered hostile to the Allies, even in the Pacific Theatre. The Dutch will NEVER become an ally of Japan, although their mutual Pacific enemies may lend to an uncoordinated passive cooperation by remaining Neutral with one another. Therefore, W-Axis Dutch units may only share space with Germany and Italy.
Some additional “Double Dutch” considerations:
The assassination roll (and if a 1D6 is successful at “6”, the implications of political realignment) takes place at the beginning of Germany’s turns, before any other purchases/repairs, etc.
W-Axis Dutch could be managed either as a separate Power, or as a German “One Power, Two Economies”
W-Axis Dutch could have the option to re-establish its homeland as their capital in Europe if conditions are considered secure. Suriname could later be established as a South American foothold for the Axis to sway the continent’s standing armies to Pro-Axis.-and/or-
If newly W-Axis Dutch choose Suriname as a Wartime Capital, Germany cannot negotiate a Dutch Axis-switch unless the following reparation terms are met:
Germany must immediately send at least 2 defensive air units (not strategic bombers) to Suriname. These defensive air units (but not any additional) must remain as defenders for the territory and adjacent sea zone for as long as Berlin stands.
Germany transfers 30 IPC to The Dutch for purchasing an air base, minor IC, and an Infantry in Suriname, which now being aligned with nearby Pro-Axis Venezuela and Brazil, receives logistical support for the Territorial IPC Requirements of the minor IC being ABLE TO MOBILIZE THIS TURN.
If/once Suriname is established as Wartime Capital, neighboring British and French Guiana fall to W-Axis Dutch via German political muscle for a coup-d’etat in each, and are annexed. (Any Allied Forces present in either would be eliminated/become POWs if such a house rule for POWs exists.)
Each territory, in addition to Suriname, immediately produce 1 Dutch Infantry. Unless liberated, all 3 territories are considered a single “Suriname” territory worth 2 IPC, as if they were originally worth 2/3 of an IPC apiece. (Use Dutch markers, if available. Also, use either German units or a new color such as turquoise or orange units such as those HBG supplies.)
The uprising in the West Indies generates (2) Dutch Infantry. Would need resolution process if American forces are present. Consider any occupying American forces in the West Indies to be required to conduct combat with W-Axis Dutch, but to simulate the political upheaval and national uprising, allow the 2 Dutch Infantry a unique “Surprise Strike” each attacking at 2 (like submarines).
Certain issues with mid-game/late-game ANZAC/British troops occupying/controlling originally-Dutch territories would need a resolution process
W-Axis Dutch, if a separate Power, would play after Germany
There would be games where the 1D6 roll would happen in Turn 1, other games where it didn’t occur at all, and anywhere in-between. The political instability may bring a bittersweet tension to the game. Allied players who overcompensate for a potential “Double Dutch” Power may waste valuable time and resources for an event which never occurs. The unpredictability may add a realistic new psychological dynamic to the game, if the final design isn’t too convoluted, or stifling to the game, or significantly unbalanced.
Where are the historical/practical problems/holes here? Fire away!"