My Grandson and me were looking for someone to show us how to play this game.
You can contact me at my email.
Best posts made by Demaris
RE: Waterloo Iowa
RE: Azimuthal Equidistant G40 map
Lompestein, thanks for the complements, pretty much everybody else was underwhelmed. I mounted a 5 ft version on press board I cut into a circle and mounted on a lazy susan so you could spin it. Played twice on it but the guys I played with were interested in the regular maps.
I made this after injuring my leg at work and was immobile for a while. It took a long time, about a couple of months of daily tinkering. I enjoyed it, kept me busy.
What I had to do was cut the map into about 16 to 20 horizontal strips. I didn’t keep the original files they died with an old computer I used. I used the polar function in gimp under distorts to spin the map into a circle.
I would then individually stretch vertically the strips to account for distortions at the outer and inner extremes. Spin unspin adjust, spin unspin adjust.
All the graphics had to be erased before doing this.
Repair all the borders. I also had to tweak individual land masses and continents by cutting them out and pasting them on new clear layers stretch and pull trial and error.
I believe the xcf file still has the graphics on a transparent layer over the map.
Feel free to do whatever you want to it and send me a pic of your results.
My motivation was the Gleason New Standard Map of 1892 was also a similar map used in WW 2 for people to track the progress of the war at home.
Community Board Flyers
Has anyone created a Community Board Flyer looking for new players? I was thinking of posting something on those community bulletin boards you see in Gas Stations around this area. I drive truck and I go to lots of gas stations all around my area.
If nobody has created one I will work something up this weekend and post it here.