usually i send 4-5 russians to persia R1 so that on the Uks second round theres 8 inf 1 figh in india. if the japs want to take it they’ll have to committ a lot of ground troops that would be better used against russia. by leaving it allows the japs to take without sending more ground troops. keeping india strong keeps the jap player from going all out on russia and prevents the japs from taking africa like what happened in my game. If you do retake egypt uk1 how do you play the americans from there. i always play the americans all out against germany.
Posts made by Decepticon
RE: Uk R1 Egyptian counterattack
Uk R1 Egyptian counterattack
I just lost a game as the allies where I tried taking Egypt back with the indian forces R1 and found that strategy was a disaster. Japan took India very early and staged their fleet there to pound the allies in Africa, allowing the Germans to reconquer it very quickly with little effort or money by the axis powers. Also, the Japs built an IC in India turn 4 and used it to pound Russia via kazakh. How is letting this type of situation occur better than defending India to slow down the Japs at the cost of letting the Germans have Africa a round quicker? It seems to me leaving India just lets the Axis take Africa easier.
Looking for 2nd ed. and revised players in NJ
My father and I have been playing A&A for about 15 years now and have yet to find a crew of players to play with. If anyone in the north New Jersey area wants to play or needs some players please email me. Thanks