Couldn’t pass up the deal. The game is ridiculously overpriced usually. Europe and Pacific 1940 were only around $70 when I got them, but $100? And it’s apparently lacking enough pieces. C’mon! $60 was a good deal though. And free shipping. :wink:Plus I have been meaning to get it, but couldn’t justify the cost. Here’s hoping for a good game when it gets here in a week. :-)

Posts made by De Gaulle
RE: A&A 1914 on sale 44% off on Amazon
RE: Global War -1936-1939-1942
Just bumping this because I think it would be great to see this project come to fruition.
We are still working on it, will have a big play-test this weekend in Tulsa.
We will have more information in the newsletter and I will post some here.One of the projects we are really excited about at Historical Board Gaming
is our new edition of GLOBAL WAR. Some of the features that should be
exciting to games include a number of new units and sculpts including Mountain
Infantry, Partisans, Light Carriers, Air Transports, Torpedo Boats (and more).
The beautifully recolored map features a host of new territories and terrain
features - a completely historically accurate landscape. The optional 1936 start
date, new victory conditions, convoy and lend-lease systems and many
other changes will make this a must have! The 1936 game features many early war conflicts including the Chinese Civil War, Spanish Civil War, Italian invasion of Abyssinia and others. Small conflicts and limited income in the early war phase allow players to undertake expanded strategy options as they prepare for the coming war. Rules will be released in a modular 3 ring binder system allowing you to add pages as supplement sets come out.We have MANY planned expansions, the first of
which will be BATTLE FOR THE ATLANTIC, followed by ALLIED SUPER
WEAPONS. From there, we’ll not only put out World War II sets
but work backwards to an Interwar set that connects to a World War I
game (and forward and backward in time from there). Our goal is to create an integrated game system where players could play from 1860 to Modern Day with units evolving over the course of time.Uh, damn. This sounds utterly fantastic. Count me in!
How much longer will we have to wait for HBG`s first WW1 set?
this Fall
I’m glad we have a timeframe! But man, the anticipation is gonna kill me.
What would be a good choice for a WW1 French Destroyer?
I did a little research around the web and found that the ARQUEBUSE Class Destroyers were the most numerous in the French Navy. Right around 20 ships at the outset of the war. Although they are not the most visually exciting ships.
They were the most numerous BUT already “old” at the start of the war.
So the French used their modern destroyers of the Bouclier class (except 3) with their main fleet in the Mediterranean.
3 of them were used in Atlantic/Channel as leaders of the respective destroyer flotillas there.
Tbh the 12 Bouclier class destroyers would make piecemeal of the 20 Arquebuse destroyers (speed, armament)As a French player I would definately prefer the Bouclier class (looks better, too)
P.S.: 100% historically correct would be an Arquebuse class destroyer in the Channel and a Bouclier class destroyer in the Mediterranean in a 1914 start setup! :wink:
Yes of course. All valid points. We want somthing more visually appealing anyway. Bouclier sounds like it fits the boot.
What would be a good choice for a WW1 French Destroyer?
I did a little research around the web and found that the ARQUEBUSE Class Destroyers were the most numerous in the French Navy. Right around 20 ships at the outset of the war. Although they are not the most visually exciting ships.
I am extremely interested in this idea. I hope it comes along well.
RE: Game Design
How do you intend to play test? Like in your area, or online? Because with the latter I’m sure the community would love to help you out.
RE: 1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts 2.0 In Development
I’m digging the special Charles De Gaulle leader. :-D
RE: 1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts
So what pieces do I need, besides the major powers, to play this game?
RE: Global War 1939
What should I buy to have everything needed to play the d6 version?
I have many Axis and Allies, (Pacific, Pacific40, Europe40, Anniversary, Revised, Spring 42)
If you look here:@Variable:
HBG prints the map for you on some very nice vinyl. No paper. This stuff is much better. Here is the link to the map:
The Revised version should be out around Monday and can be ordered in two sizes. I have the smaller $60 one that works well at 34" X 72", especially in the revised version it will be good. For the ultimate GW39 experience, shell out for the epic 47" X 96" version at $100. If you have the room to play this, you will never put it away. Rules will need to be printed along with setup charts etc on your own. Files are all on BGG here:
Finally, to get all the pieces you need for the game, you must own Europe and Pacific 1940. In addition, here is the link for the special GW39 set to buy from HBG that will cover the rest:–Global-War-1939-Lot_p_726.html
Included there is a listing of everything in the kit. Buying it this way saves a bunch of money over buying the individual pieces. I will include a pic below. Hope that answers all your questions!
Bottom of post includes a list of what stuff comes with the piece pack for the D12 version. So Im sure we will need some of what is listed there. I too am using the D6 system, and Im not exactly sure what I need for that.
Field Marshal Games created the D6 version, so I will try and ask him.
RE: 1939 Map
Revised map is done! Will begin shipping on the 9th. Here is the link:
Ordered mine yesterday. :wink:
RE: HBG's WW1 game
Can you play with regular axis and allies pieces? And is there a way to see a better picture of the map?
RE: 1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts 2.0 In Development
Well, 2 IPC Infantry seems kinda pointless, if you can just get an Elite for one more IPC. Unless you rendered elites like around 5 or 6 IPCs, I do not see much good coming out of 2 IPC Infantry. I have never played New World Order, so I may not be neccasarily correct, so by all means please give me an example how this could be successful.
Another point to touch on is that Elites should be exactly what they sound like, Elite Infantry. Therefore I think the Elite could easily fill the role of both paratroopers and marines. By being Elites they are air transportable, but also do bonus attack (or whatever marine units special ability is, I seem to have forgotten it) in an amphibious invasion.
With the Elite unit Im unsure about artillery now. I think that artillery should cost the same actually, and support 2 Infantry. Maybe, maybe not. My only confliction is I dont want these units interfering with the light tank unit or the truck/ mech inf.
So heres my summary: Inf 1-2-1-2
Elite 2-2-1-6 (Air Transportable, Marine capabilities, etc.)
Artillery 2-2-1-4 or 2-2-1-5 (Supports 2 Infantry, or has like an opening fire step,or somthing) -
RE: 1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts 2.0 In Development
Are you still developing this? Please say yes?
RE: HBG's WW1 game
Indeed, this game looks quite interesting. Looks like a variant of the 1939 map. Is there any more info on this, or pictures. Coach? Variable?
So here is a good question. While being neutral can America us their exstensive funds to place an major industrial complex on the the Phillipine islands? I have this friend that does this as America every time first turn and it always makes the Japanese player attack it, bringing America into the war on turn 2. Is this legal?
RE: Games I made
You know what, dont go through all the trouble. Im currently making my own and was just looking for ideas. But thank you anyway.