Why? I understand not buying it, but why would you quit? That’s sort of like saying I’d never watch Caddy shack again because I hated Caddy shack 2

Posts made by Col. Ty Webb
RE: Subjective Complaints about AAZ (Zombies are stupid thread)
RE: Table top organization
I’ve always used dice. If I have enough space, I’ll put it right under the plane in the territory. I usually have the number of remaining moves showing.
As for your plane as a casualty question, we’ve always rolled all dice like that at one time. And you can choose any one you want as the casualty, so yes, you could always pick the one with the fewest remaining moves.
Economic victory
I know there used to be an economic victory condition in older versions, but I was wondering if any of you guys with more trigger time in FtF games have any thoughts on what one might be for this game.
It was 84 for the axis in the older game, but I think it might be a little higher than that now. Maybe the same for the allies.
Just looking for a possible way to quicken the game a little.
RE: WAR ROOM II - The Sequel
Love everything about that room. Everything!!
All you need is a potbelly stove, a couch to sleep on and some war rakes and you’d have my perfect man cave.
RE: Battle Cry!
I’ve just bought the game recently and found that it could be a great starter for potential wargamers. As frimmel said, it’s quick, fun and fairly easy to learn.
Playing this with a few friends has them at least interested in trying a game of AA41. From there, maybe 1942 or anniversary.
RE: WE HAVE BEEN MISLED (Read before buying 40.2)
“Dime added for sizing purposes, not included with the game.”
Now they’re not including dimes with the games anymore?! How cheap can these punks get?
RE: .
Arnold was an athlete then became an actor.
Do you get paid to play A&A professionally? You work out 10 hours a day to play Axis and Allies? Is the battleship piece a little too heavy to push two sea zones?
And I go through a cleanse every morning while reading a periodical, and I don’t consider myself an athlete.
Olympic athletes put on rehearsed performances in many routines, isn’t that just acting? Do their athletic skills only play as an attribute since they are acting out a routine?
Athletics are supplementary in professional wrestling? LOL!
You’re way off dude, 99.9% of all wrestlers have to be in great athletes and in great shape to even get a start in the business. The ones that are better actors get paid more. Acting skills aren’t mandatory, they’re just really nice to have.Besides, if wrestlers are actors, then how come not one of them has ever made a decent movie?
RE: Pacific Turning Point: Midway or Guadalcanal
Yeah, but does the US send a fleet knowing there are 4 carriers out there?
Like Wittman said, there wasn’t any carrier action because Japan just lost four carriers at Midaway.
RE: .
I’d like to know your definition of an athlete if someone that puts as much training and time into as a wrestler isn’t one. :
Is the thumb wrestler not an athlete to you? The beer pong player? The yard dart thrower? The cup flipper? The paper football player?
Are these not honorable athletes?
RE: Pacific Turning Point: Midway or Guadalcanal
Without Midway, would the US have been able to send the landing force to Guadalcanal when they did?
RE: A Genie appears out of a bottle and asks…
Battle of France
Show up at the front line, throw down your weapon, retreat and live to smoke cigarettes, drink coffee and have a disposition towards hatred against anyone who isn’t you.
RE: .
With you on the games Garg. WCW vs. Nitros, or whatever is was for 64 was tough. There was a cheat where you could flick the analog stick and kick out every time, so we had to make the matches the first to KO the other guy. All we did was bash each other with chairs, hammers, etc.
As far as favorite match it would have to be Savage vs. Steamboat at Wrestlemania III. I was a little kid when it happened, but we rented it in college and watched it for the Hogan vs. Andre match. I remembered that Savage and Steamboat had wrestled in this wrestlemania, but remembered nothing about the match.
About a quarter of the way through the match (we hadn’t been paying full attention at first) I mentioned this was looking like a pretty good match, so we rewound the tape and watched it again from the beginning and barely spoke a word to each other.
Two great athletes putting on a great match.
RE: Totally Insane Question about Russian NO
Don’t think they do. They aren’t “original” pro-Axis neutrals.
RE: What´s your favorite movie phrase?…
Crash Davis from Bull Durham
“Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.”
RE: What´s your favorite movie phrase?…
Adm. Winslow: What do you think, Mr. Dodge?
Cmdr. Dodge: I think I’m gonna get my ass kicked, sir.
Adm. Winslow: Aw, don’t think like that! Damn it to hell, don’t go by the book! Think like a pirate! I want a man with a tattoo on his dick! Have I got the right man?
Cmdr. Dodge: By a strange coincidence, you do, sir.
RE: Do i buy 1942 or 1942 2nd
if you’re pretty new to the game I would get either the first 1942 or the new 1941. Both are simpler and smaller.
If you’ve played before, the second edition is bigger and a little more complex. You may want to try it.
Plus, for 20-25 bucks, it’s not a bad idea to just get the first 1942 for the pieces.
Don’t want to get into too much without knowing your experience level.
RE: What´s your favorite movie phrase?…
Ah, how I loved her, but she had her music. I think she had her music. She’d hang out with the Chicago Male Chorus and Symphony. I don’t recall her playing an instrument or being able to carry a tune. Yet she was on the road 300 days of the year. In fact, I bought her a harp for Christmas. She asked me what it was.
Frank Drebin, Naked Gun
RE: AA41 Complete Review
I think the turn length time is more important than the overall time. As long as everybody is active and the turns go quickly and smoothly, they probably won’t notice if it goes a few extra turns.
RE: AA41 Complete Review
How much time have each of your game been taking, and about how long does each round take to play?
Thanks for all of the information so far, but these are the two biggest questions for me when it comes to getting new players.
RE: Japan gets killed
Agree Oztea,
They almost never had to wory about being attacked before.The only thig to be worried about is if they tipped it too far in the other direction.