Hahaha, you kind of remind me of my calculus teacher. Sometimes we go off on tangents (lol) about subjects, and when college came up and somebody said they didnt want to go to Penn State Beaver because it seems to not be a serious school and everyone (including employers) know this, our teacher said “Theres nothing wrong with going to Penn State Beaver, because when you graduate, that f***in diploma isnt going to say ‘Beaver’ anywhere on it.”
Posts made by Cobert
RE: School sucks
RE: Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
China and the USSR did not advocate Libertarian Socialism (or anarcho-communism), but a far more iron-fisted government run version of communism. If people are free, they will naturally realize it makes more sense to pool resources and work towards a better communtiy. The communism used in China and the USSR was simply another form of working class exploitation (except by a totalitarian government rather than the owners of capital), but under the guise of ‘class equality’ and redistribution.
I mean classic liberalism as in the type advocated by Thomas Paine, which is essentially libertarianism. The term was simply morphed into the 1920’s to mean soft socialism instead of the more laissez-faire economics of classic liberalism. Its the same way how ‘conservative’ went from following the protected rights of the constitution to the word, to its new definition in the media of any politician that doesnt like gay people. Its actually pretty sad that such definite terms have gotten lost in the haze of media.
EDIT: Well I think we can all agree that whether one favors people living in communes and a classless society or people having complete rights to their claimed property, government intervention into either field is one of society’s ills.
RE: School sucks
Im pretty excited about going to college next year (Either SUNY Buffalo or Penn State Erie), and this second half of senior year will be a breeze. Theres a lot less pressure now that I know Im going to college, I just need to figure out a way to make it affordable since we’re flat broke around here.
RE: Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
Unfortunately, humans are involved and that totally screws up the system
I suggest reading some of this book. Kropotkin argues that mutual aid and assistance of others within a species comes naturally to all animals and that war is avoidable if everyones stops competing and begins to pool resources. The need for competition and war over resources is a capitalist social construct.
Libertarianism (or classic liberalism) is definitely not socialism or communism. I dont know if you were trying to say that but your train of thought cut off mid sentence and confused me, hahaha.
Honestly, I don’t know where I really fall. I think corporations should be the only governments. That way you can live anywhere in the world you want and be in any government you want. No borders. No armies. You don’t like your company, you resign from that government and join a competing government.
Corporations as government is called corporatism.
Dunno, maybe that makes me a Super Capitalist?
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini
RE: Is Genetically Engineering Your Children Ethical?
I hear this talk about choosing a spouse because of their traits: I dont think most people consciously choose a spouse (or enter any relationship with the opposite sex) because they think their kids would be nice.
RE: Request for simple development for Triplea
Definitely. I usually dont play with NAs in a face to face game, but having them as an option is always neat.
RE: Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
Name one group that can be considered an enemy that is being suppressed by our forces in germany. Korea I can see, but not really in germany.
Im looking in the future. Once you lose those bases they don’t come back. In 30 years a cloned Napoleon may show up and start another Imperial Guard, Also, Russia can get in a war with China in 50 years and it may involve Europe.
Because we cant see trouble brewing does not mean “pull everybody out” and go home. Korea was 50 years ago and we still need forces to protect against weirdos in the north.
Heck we may go to war with Mexico. we are already invaded…one day they may just say “you know those states you stole from us in 1850’s are now Mexican territories” Think of how many Taco Bells and Pollo Locos would close and the trouble that would cause.
In 50 years I could very well see the war with China occuring, except with any number of nations (including the united states).
RE: Is Genetically Engineering Your Children Ethical?
Oh thats another thing I forgot to mention, would some sicko engineer their kid to be really ugly?
Or like have a third arm or something?
RE: Is Genetically Engineering Your Children Ethical?
No, genetic engineering is terrible. I would get into details, but every point I could argue has been said by Imperious Leader, even with the twilight zone point. One of the many great episodes to deal with themes of beatuy/perfection/genetic engineering pointed out that in order for there to be beauty, there must also be ugly (or rather, atypical beauty, however you want to look at it :wink: ).
Also, imagine a person having to deal with the fact that theyre not good at basketball because they practiced, but because theyre parents wanted them to be? Would they even feel joy over doing good in a game? Could they understand their teammates emotions and feeling of accomplishment?
RE: Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
as for Obama, you keep telling me I have to believe McCain is conservative because he is telling us he is on the current campaign trail. Well, Obama is telling us that he has no plans to pull the troops out if he is elected, on the current campaign trail. If we swallow the lies of one, we should swallow the lies of all.
To my understanding, Barack Obamas website is lying and he will stay in Iraq, according to about a billion other sources. Also Ive heard rumblings about his not-so-peaceful intentions with pakistan. If this was at all directed towards me and youre saying I refuse to ‘swallow the lies’ of only one candidate, then Im pretty sure youre wrong on that.
On important issues, i believe the 2 biggest issues in america, while taking into account that the war in iraq is a moot point, i agree with you in that immigration and healthcare will define this election.
History goes in cycles. Modern History does not mean war is no longer fought. It will always be true.
I reaaaaaly doubt that pulling out of Germany would lead to conflict. Name one group that can be considered an enemy that is being suppressed by our forces in germany. Korea I can see, but not really in germany.
Also, w hat does everyone here th ink about Ron Paul? He has no shot, but a lot of his policies have appealed to me, especially on social issues. Even if I disagree on some of his stances, theres no doubt that he sticks close to the constitution.
RE: Request for simple development for Triplea
This is actually a really neat game. Because of the Canadian units and a near complete wipeout of their navy, the united states didnt really see its first foreign (not in north america) ground combat until turn 9.
RE: Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
After skimming through the last page, all I can say is that I cant believe people believe that McCain is a liberal. He isnt a strong conservative, and is no doubt far more moderate than others in the republican party, but one of the most liberal senators ever? Definitely not.
If the democrats want to win this then the superdelegates should all sway in favor of Obama. I feel a Clinton/McCain match up will lead to a McCain victory, but an Obama/McCain general election will probably lead to Obama. I just think Clinton is unelectable.
I cant trust Clinton with any form of change because, if I remember correctly, shes is the second highest recipient of money from special interest groups in all of congress. Her policies arent that different from Obama so I think my choice lies within him.
Request for simple development for Triplea
I was wondering if somebody could make a variant for triplea, bigworld 1942, that turns off the alliances and turns it into a free for all. I dont need it to be balanced and I would like to keep the IPC values and power of the nations as they already are, I would just know if somebody could turn off the alliances. I suck at computers so I wouldnt suggest telling me how to do it(even if it is easy) and I would much prefer for somebody to make this variant for bigworld and upload it.
RE: AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)
Thats a really good idea, but it would be much more profitable to fight germany instead of the allies. The only thing the USSR woud get would be parts of the mideast, as Germany would already dominate europe.
Once the USSR is active, they can invade any neutral though.
RE: AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)
The problem with elastic time is when you get into turn limits, like when the SU can declare war and such, and if you ahve weather effects for winter.
In the supply-token game im playing, the USSR gets a small amount of production before they start the war, which increases a little bit at the start of 41, and in 42 they can roll a die at the start of their turn and on a 1-2 they can declare war on Germany. Same witht he US, except their production only starts in 42 and they roll in 43.
RE: AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)
The way im doing it, with supply chips and no IPCs, the only supply chip for france is in vichy france, so If they plan to build any units they will definitely want to defend eastern france, and if italy has built up a bit then they might fall back to vichy. Either way, its not good to give up their only way to defend themselves.
RE: AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)
I used the rules that you started your from once. I felt the UK was too powerful.
Im playing a rules set right now based partially off of these rules, and off of another set I found that eliminates IPCs and instead has resource chips that generate in one area and must be moved to a factory to be converted to units. I playtested my original ideas (with europe and japan) and now Im working out the kinks and converting things over to the resource system. Im also developing a new diplomacy system to improve on my older one.
Somebody help me out:
Why would Spain join the axis?
Why would Turkey join the axis?
If Saudi Arabia were to get involved, who would they fight for and why?
What made Bulgaria join the axis?
…Hungary?The final thing Im working out kinks in is build-up for pre-entry. I need to find a good rate that italy / russia / US build up at before they start fightng. Im considering going extreme and having there be a build-up for india and australia too, but Im not sure what units they would start with and such. Any suggestions?
I shouldve probably made this another topic instead of posting here, hahaha.
RE: Japanes IC on J1?
I prefer to build 3 trans, 2 inf. It helps when you go to pick off AUS/NZ/HI/AK, and later on when you might want to move into africa.
RE: Russia Round 1 Attacks
I send enough units to take WRus with enough to defend it, and I send in enough units to Ukraine to kill everything but the fighter. I dont like taking it, because that involves leaving armor on the front without any fodder.