I’m crossing my fingers that this gets responded to within the next six hours, since thats when I’m going to have to take my next turn.
I am Germany…the game is a KGF game. We’re on round 5 or 6. The Eastern front is, at the moment, manageable. Japan is making slow but steady progress in Asia, and has eliminated the American navy from the Pacific. The Allies are about 2 rounds from retaking Africa in total from Germany.
I have 1 AC, 2 FIGS, 2 subs, 1 TRN in the Baltic…a BB in SZ 13…and 6 FIGS in W Europe
The US fleet is in SZ 10 with 1 AC, 1 Jet Fighter, 1 DST, 1 Sub, 5 TRN
(don’t ask ME why he’s there…he’s not the greatest with America, the Axis is his strength)
The UK fleet is in SZ 2 with 1 AC, 2 Jet Fighters, 1 DST, 3 TRN
England’s defenses consist of 4 INF and 2 ARM…Englands income is hovering around 20.
I have Luftwaffe Dive Bombers, which means my 8 fighters attack on 4 for the first round if there are no defending aircraft.
Basically, I have the option of attacking England with 1 BB, 8 Luftwaffe Figs, 1 Bom, 1 Arm, and 1 Inf
…there are three significant problems.
1. Britain has Radar…coupled with my lack of ground units, I am likely to lose most, if not all, of my airforce.
2A. Britain has 1 INF in East Canada (the next closest UK ground units are in Libya, BTW). Since Jet Fighters are immune to AA fire, this means I must move my Battleship to SZ 1 to stop a UK retake on UKs subsequent turn.
2B. Not including my BB with the rest of my fleet makes my navy highly vulnerable to the UK on his next turn, especially since I will likely lack fighters.
3. There is nothing to stop a US retake via SZ 8.
Basically, I can take England if I want to…but I’ll suffer very heavy losses in doing so.
…would it be worth my whole airforce to have approx 70 IPCs to spend next round and prevent one round of UK purchases?
…would it be worth my whole airforce AND navy to have approx 70 IPCS to spend next round and prevent TWO rounds of UK purchaes?
…or should I just ignore the possibility??
I am utterly, utterly torn…I cannot decide. What would YOU do?