That’s a good question. I’d be inclined to say that they can be placed in Middle East territories, simply because otherwise they’ll do nothing but bulk up Gibraltar, Cyprus and Malta. That doesn’t give Germany much incentive to take these territories out. In contrast, it seems that placing them in the Middle East would increase the action in that part of the board. However, I’m not 100% sure about this. What do you think?
OK, well my FTF group is still playing our first Europe/Pacific game, and I’m the Axis, so my viewpoint is neither complete, nor unbiased, but…
…the rules allow for placement in territories “under British control”, but the Middle Eastern territories are not under British control. Technically, even if Germany takes them, they are still not under German control, as the IPCs earned come from Allied pools, and not the territories in and of themselves.
The Europe rulebook lists the UK and ME territories seperately, to the point of making the territories different colors. If the only unit in Karelia is a lone British Inf, does that mean Karelia is “under British control”? Why should the ME be different?
There is no need to worry about stacks of useless men on the Med territories, because once Morroco, or Libya, or Vichy, or Italy is taken and held (which is a near certainty after a few rounds unless the Allies are complete fools) the men can be placed there.
British transports could also make use of the stacked men from early rounds for Mediterranian landings once the German threat to Allied ships has been minimized/neutralized. Also, the Fig in Malta must still be dealt with, or it will be sent to help defend African territories where subsequent bonus Inf will be placed. Germany not only has incentive to try and eliminate this bonus, it MUST, or the game is quickly lost. This of course, means that every dollar spent in the Med is a dollar less to press on Moscow or defend Berlin.
That might be a little more historically accurate ( :-P ), but it makes for a game that isn’t much fun to play.
Also…the UK gets three Inf (9 IPCs) per turn for three little territories, the SAME value as UK and Canada combined. Hardly realistic, nor historically accurate.
In my game, with their $18 IPCs, the Allies added a mere two Inf to Malta (spreading the rest of the IPCs as Inf elsewhere). Despite adding a second transport to the Med fleet with my own bonus IPCs, the attack on Malta failed, and my fleet was sunk on the subsequent UK turn by 2 DD, 1 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Tran.
Now while the Malta battle went terribly for me in terms of dice, the Allies could have easily added more men to Malta without significantly weakening themselves anywhere else. Essentially, this UK special rule ensures Allied dominance of Africa/ME within two rounds, or perhaps three if Germany’s fleet manages to survive the inevitable UK2 attack. Regardless, it eventually leaves Germanys southern income wide open to Allied landings. It also forces Germany to use his bonus IPCs on a second Med transport, effectively ending any threat to Lenningrad on G1.
Also, these bonus Inf eliminate the need for Russia to send troops south to help secure the Middle East, which was an integral part of both stand-alone Europe games our FTF group played. Instead, the Russians get to make their own front stronger while their flank remains secure.
I can’t even get the Japs over to help now, because I have no German troops left in Africa to try and take Egypt and unblock the canal (and this is after only two rounds). I’d have to go the long way around via the Really South Atlantic and run into an Allied fleet before I finished the trip.
As the OOB rules go, Germany could afford to ignore the Med if it really wanted to. Now, with this rule, it is a requirement not only to dedicate significant resources to it, but those resources are almost certain to be a total waste in short order.
I am of the opinion that the UK Med Inf special rule is horribly broken…to the point that it nearly breaks the whole game. It certainly makes the Euopre theatre vastly different from the OOB setup, and not in a good way.
Perhaps the rule could be modified to provide fewer Inf, or eliminate the option to place in other territories, or be dependent upon the presence of UK naval vessels to recieve the bonus, but I think a different rule altogether would be less likely to throw off the game balance.
EDIT: That rant was longer than I anticipated…as you can see, I think the rule sucks. :lol: