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Reading list
Bonfire Of The Vanities… hmmm… what’s it about? :)
I’m adding Ann Coulter’s new book, Treason.
hitchiker trilogy!
Nothing about philosophy and science ?
If you don’t know what’s a differential equations you’re a failure as a humain being.
If you don’t know what’s a differential equations you’re a failure as a humain being.
Grrr… if you know differential equations then you don’t deserve to be a human being.
Don’t be dissing diffy q’s and at that double and triple integrals!
If you don’t know what’s a differential equations you’re a failure as a humain being.
Grrr… if you know differential equations then you don’t deserve to be a human being.
I was just quoting Falwell, but i put “don’t know what’s a differential equation” where it was “are not born-again christian”.
:lol: I could tell you were being sarcastic the first time. :wink:
Bonfire Of The Vanities… hmmm… what’s it about? :)
It’s about chasing money and status within the insanity of 1970s New York City – specifically the up-in-smoke South Bronx.
BY THE WAY – for anyone interested in the actual in-war experience, from the infantryman’s point of view:::::
Slaughterhouse Five – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: he lived it then wrote about it (WWII Europe)
The Naked and the Dead – Norman Mailer: lived it then wrote about it (WWII Pacific)
All Quiet on the Western Front – dont’ know the author but it is the German footsoldier’s view of WWI. -
Slaughterhouse Five is a good book. :)
He wrote the book during the firebombing of Dresden, correct? -
Here is my current list of reading material that I have: ^^
Seven Days in May
Fail Safe
Pride and Prejudice
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, JesusAll are great reads, depending the mood that I am in. ^_^
You read Jaspers!??? :o
Jesus never wrote anything :)
No… Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus is actually a philosophical book written by Karl Jaspers
and she says she’s not well read enough to be a “young lady” …… :)
ZimZaxZero, Eric Remarque. He was drafted into the German army during WW1.
Falk, what the hell are diferential equations?
Yanny, Budha never wrote anything and I believe we no longer have anything Socrates wrote, but I might be wrong.
I’m pretty sure you’re right Yourbuttocks, i don’t think anything that Socrates wrote still survives today.
Am I the only one who lives and dies with world war two books? awesome BArbarossa by alan cooke, rommel by ron lewin, panzer leader by heinz guderian??? I think alan cooke also wrote another really good book I liked called stalingrad…?? I also love to read junk novels. ra salvatore, loius lamore ect.
but for young adults I think they need the variety we were all forced to endure:
of mice and men
romeo and juleit, hamlet and ottello
fahrenheit 454
and I had to read ernest hemmingways biography, he was a very interseting man, although I never actually liked the old man and the sea, or whatever it was we were forced to read.I think this variety is good, so that you can make your own descisions about what you think of the world. I had this variety and I think the wiorld still sucks, so who can say otherwise? although at the time it did embed a liberal streak that it took several years of hard labor to rid me of.
although at the time it did embed a liberal streak that it took several years of hard labor to rid me of.
ewwwwww don’t want that to happen to me. :x
Falk, what the hell are diferential equations?
What math do you take? :-? It’s mostly taken from calc…
Am I the only one who lives and dies with world war two books? awesome BArbarossa by alan cooke, rommel by ron lewin, panzer leader by heinz guderian??? I think alan cooke also wrote another really good book I liked called stalingrad…?? I also love to read junk novels. ra salvatore, loius lamore ect.
That would be me. :)
I always find a good read in Seven Days in January, With our Backs to Berlin, and Hitler’s Invasion of Russia.