What will be wrong with AAAE: 1940?

  • @Dylan:

    Canada’s not a power

    Yes Dylan there not a power!!!

  • @Dylan:



    Canada’s not a power

    Yes Dylan there not a power!!!

    Yes thats what will be wrong with it

    Oh, you went back to the original question. I guess for some the  exclusion of Canada as a power would qualify as being something wrong with the game, but for me I think adding Canada as a power would slow the game down(another player) and hanicap UK.

  • You know what would be nice, if WOTC decided to print the FAQ section to AAP40 and include that into the AAE40 game. That and maybe neutral pieces too. Also plastic pieces for AA guns, factories I don’t care about but AA guns, since they move are a must IMO.

  • No Vichy France is another thing that will be wrong with this game.

  • What is Vichy France?

  • “What is Vichy France?”

    When the Germans reached the edge of Paris in 1940, and it became obvious the French army wouldn’t be able to stop them, the French decided to surrender before Paris was reduced to rubble.  A new French government was formed, led by Marshall Petain, with its capitol in the town of Vichy.  The Vichy government initially controlled southern France, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, and French Indo-China.  They collaborated with the Germans.  They had control of a fairly sizable navy, and the British actually bombed the Vichy French fleet in North Africa because they were afraid the Vichy government would hand it over the Germans and/or Italians.  When the Allies landed at Casablanca in 1942, the Vichy garrison initially put up a bit of a fight.  But they soon decided to switch sides and join the Free French forces.

    If you want to simulate Vichy in your games, you can use something like the following:

    Upon capturing Paris, the German player must immediately decide whether or not he will accept a Vichy government.  If he refuses, all French forces and territories not already under Axis control become Free French.  The income from Free French territories can be spent in British factories to produce new Free French units.  Free France performs all phases of its turn at the same time as Britain.  British and Free French units may attack together and ride on each others’ transports.

    If the German player decides to accept a Vichy government, all forces located in the following territories or in adjacent sea zones become Vichy:  French Indo-China, Syria, and all French colonies in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia).  German control markers are placed on Vichy territories, and income from those territories goes to Germany until they are liberated by the Allies.  All other French territories outside of France become Free French.

    For any surviving French Units in France itself or in adjacent sea zones, roll a die.  If the roll is 1-2, the unit disbands/scuttles, and is removed from the map.  On a roll of 3-4, the unit becomes Vichy and is immediately moved to Southern France.  On a roll of 5-6, the unit becomes Free French, and is immediately moved to either Gibraltar or London, whichever is closer.

    If any Vichy territory is attacked by the Axis, all Vichy forces and territories immediately become Free French (exception:  Japan can occupy French Indo-China with no effect on any other territory).  If a Vichy territory is attacked by the Allies, roll a die.  On a roll of 1-4, the territory and all Vichy forces within it or in adjacent sea zones become Free French.  On a roll of 5, the territory surrenders, and all units are removed from the map.  On a roll of 6, the territory joins the Axis, and all Vichy units are immediately replaced with German units.

  • I pieced it together from other games and from what I know of history, and adapted it to A&A.  I tried to create rules which would force players to make decisions based on the same uncertainties that leaders had to deal with during the war.

  • Here are the World at War Vichy France rules:

    5.5 Fall of France, and Vichy France: When an axis player conquers France, France must give the conquering player 3 IPC’s from the French money and lower France’s IPC level by 6.

    The French player then rolls a die for each French Fleet in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
    On a roll of 1: The French Fleet joins the Germany.
    On a roll of 2-4 : The fleet is scuttled and removed from play.
    On a roll of 5: The fleet becomes Vichy French and immediately moved to the nearest Vichy land/sea area. In the rare instance where there are no Vichy areas, then the fleet is not moved and immediately reverts to Free French. If two Vichy areas are of equal distance, the axis player chooses which area the fleet is moved to. If the fleet is moved to French Indo China and French Indo China joins Japan through political influence, the fleet remains Vichy, and would join the allies if the allies ever succeed in taking French Indo China. If Japan attacks French Indo China instead of gaining it through political means, the fleet would join Britain.
    On a roll of 6: The fleet is Free French, but under British control and French pieces are replaced with British pieces. The British players then uses the same steps to resolve the fate of the French Fleet in the Mediterranean.

    The British player then rolls a die for each French area that is not already controlled by the axis. On a roll of 1-3 the area becomes Vichy, and on a roll of 4-6 the area remains Free French.

    Morocco, Algeria, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, Madagascar, Syria, French Indo-China, the Mauritius Islands, the Fiji Islands and the Society Islands.

    After the areas are rolled off, the German player then places two control markers (to show the area is Vichy and not Germany’s) on all Vichy areas except for Society Islands and Fiji Islands, which would fall under Japanese control if Vichy (use Japanese markers). Once all rolls are made, adjust France and the axis positions on the income chart for areas that became Vichy.

    5.6 Treatment of Vichy Territories: Although the Axis players get IPCs each turn from the Vichy areas, the axis may never build units on Vichy areas, nor may the Axis move units through or over Vichy areas.

    If a Vichy area or fleet is attacked by an axis player all Vichy areas and fleets become Free French. This is for the axis only; if the allies attack a Vichy area there is no effect on other Vichy areas or fleets whether the attack failed or not. If the allied attack failed, the area would remain Vichy.

    Vichy areas captured by British, Free French or the U.S. resort to Free French.

    Vichy troops defend themselves from any attackers, whether they are the axis or the allies. Vichy forces may not move. Vichy naval units are considered neutral and never block a sea zone.

    If an the allies capture all Vichy areas adjacent to a Vichy fleet, then the fleet becomes Free French.

  • thats actually a really good game mechanic! I like it!

    whats scuttled mean?

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    thats actually a really good game mechanic! I like it!

    whats scuttled mean?

    Sunk (removed from play)

    This is a good start for a Vichy rule if you want to house rule it in.

    I wonder how many French units and French tt there will be at the start of the game (that will survive the 1st rd onslaught). Some of the French tt (like Syria) may start off as pro something neutrals to symbolize the the changing of the French government. The French Fleet was ranked 4th or 5th in the world at the time, the set-up might only be a shell of what it was to factor in the losses due to UK attacks or ships held at Vichy ports after Paris falls. It would be nice if the axis got a shot at some of the French fleet, but that might be factored into the German/Italian navy at the start of the game.

  • I would like to know what color (shade of blue) the french are going to be.

  • No one knows. I’m hoping something like Navy Blue, I feel like it’d fit in with the more subdued colors of A&A than a lighter Royal Blue would.

  • I was hoping for a light blue.

  • I’d go for navy blue, but it might be a bit too similar to the ANZAC grey :-P

  • My guess is a lighter shade of blue.

  • My guess is that we won’t find out until a couple of days before it’s released.

  • @Brain:

    My guess is that we won’t find out until a couple of days before it’s released.

    A couple days before?  Really?

  • @SAS:


    My guess is that we won’t find out until a couple of days before it’s released.

    A couple days before?  Really?

    We are in for a treat then!!!

  • Okay I just checked the WOTC site and not only is there no info regarding AAE40, but they still list AAP40 as upcoming. Somebody needs to update that website.

  • “The French Fleet was ranked 4th or 5th in the world at the time, the set-up might only be a shell of what it was to factor in the losses due to UK attacks or ships held at Vichy ports after Paris falls.”

    Well, to give you an idea of why the disposition of the French fleet might make a difference, the list below is my best guess (I spent some time researching it) about actual fleet strength around May-June 1940:

    (Abbreviations:  BB=battleship (includes battlecruisers), CA=heavy cruiser, CL=light cruiser, DD=destroyer, CV=carrier, SS=sub)

    US:  15 BB, 18 CA, 19 CL, 118 DD, 7 CV, 112 SS    (+2 more BB built but undergoing sea trials, and 4 more under construction.  Also had a CV and 15 DD under construction)

    Britain (includes ANZAC, Canada, etc.):  16 BB, 21 CA, 49 CL, 214 DD, 6 CV, 78 SS    (+1 BB built, and 5 more under construction.  +8 more CL under construction, with 6 of those almost finished.  +7 CV under construction, with 2 of those almost finished.  Also 65 more DD either under construction or in the process of being transferred from the US under Lend Lease)

    France:  8 BB, 7 CA, 11 CL, 70 DD, 20-30 SS    (+2 more BB nearly built).

    USSR:  3 BB, 4 CA, 2 CL, 68 DD, 218 SS    (+2 more BB under construction.  Note:  Many of these ships were leftovers from the Tzar’s navy, and had not been modernized or properly maintained).

    Germany:  4 BB, 7 CA, 6 CL, 26 DD, 240 SS    (+1 CV and probably a couple of hundred SS under construction)

    Netherlands:  5 CL, 12-14 DD

    Japan:  10 BB, 18 CA, 20 CL, 108 DD, 8 CV, 68 SS    (+2 BB, 2 CL, 15 DD, and 6 CV under construction)

    Italy:  6 BB, 9 CA, 13 CL, 59 DD, 146 SS    (+2 BB, 4 CL, and 1 CV under construction)

    Now, obviously, if you wanted to convert these numbers to A&A, you couldn’t use a 1-1 ratio, unless you had, like, 10 extra sets of playing pieces (or a whole lot of poker chips).  But somehow the starting forces in the official A&A rules seem a bit TOO abstract for me.  What I was thinking was to convert them as follows:

    1 Battleship represents 2 real BB (BB divisions tended to be 2 ships in most navies, and the number are small enough to be do-able)

    1 Destroyer represents about 15 reall DD

    1 Carrier represents real 2-3 CV.  (Carriers came in different sizes.  I’m thinking 1 carrier equals the capacity to operate 120-150 aircraft)

    1 Submarine represents about 60 real submarines.  (Subs had to rotate back to a base or sub tender for resupply more often than other ships)

    Cruisers are a bit trickier.  I’m thinking add up the total number of cruisers for each fleet (with a CL counting as 3/5 of a cruiser), and dividing by 5.5.  This should mean you have enough playing pieces for every navy (when combining AAP40 with AAE40), if we assume one of the British cruisers is ANZAC.

    So the starting fleets, under the above scenario, would look like this (with a bit of fudging to account for the differences in quality between navies):

    US:  8 Battleships, 5 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 4 Carriers, 2 Subs
    Britain: 8 Battleships, 8 Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, 3 Carriers, 1 Subs
    ANZAC:  1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers
    France:  4 Battleships, 2 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
    USSR:  1 Battleships, 1 Cruiser, 5 Destroyers, 2 Subs
    Germany:  2 Battleships, 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 4 Subs
    Netherlands:  1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer
    Japan:  5 Battleships, 5 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 4 Carriers, 1 Sub
    Italy:  3 Battleships, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 2 Subs

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