Cant do that, the count starts from where carrier is and you need to move the carrier in range for plane to land. If no opportunity presents itself, you cant move there.
Strategy Poll: Where to place Japan's first IC ?
Japan need to build a Major factory in a 3 IPC territory ASAP. There are 3 viable places this can be done. Manchuria, Kwangtung and Malaya.
Another way is to buy two minor factories, one in Kwa and the other in Mal. Two minors cost 24 and mobilize 6 units, while one major cost 30 and mob 10 units. This option will cover a larger perimeter, but produce less units.
So where is the ultimate strategical spot to place a major factory in your opinion ?
Kwangtung is a very central place.
Newly purchased tanks/fighters cover 6 Chines territories including strategically important Yunnan and FIC. Tanks/Mechs can also reach India in 2 turns.
Because of the Naval Base, newly purchased ships can cover all the Easth Indies, Phillipines, Guam and Japan. Ships can also reach and support strategically important Carolines, and they can reach and attack Detch New Guinea and Northern Territory in Australia.
Razor thinx Kwangtung is the best spot to place a big factory.
Some people thinx that Malaya is the best spot, because they too have a port, making ships cover half Australia, New Guinea, all of the East Indies and the coast zone all the way to India. Destroyers purchased here will escort the convoy centers very effectivily. Tanks/fighters will also cover Yunnan.
The big “butts” however are that Malaya do not support Carolines or Japan. It is too far away for that purpose.
The Manchurian alternative is in the poll for purpose of the upcoming global game. Since this game dont have oilfields, every IPC is worth equal. The 8 IPC’s in Russia is worth the same as 8 IPC’s from Borneo and Sumatra, and because of that some people might get “gamey” and attack Russia.
Of course anything that doesn’t go down exactly like history is gamey, even if it was a discussed option by the military command of that nation :roll:
Since Japan start with only 3 trannies, and have a lot of islands to capture, the Japanese purchasing strategy will most likely be as followed:
T1: Spend 26 IPC: Buy 2 trannies and 2 subs, or 3 trannies and save 5 IPC.
Japan must take control of FIC in T1, and this is similar to what happened in the real war too. FIC was taken by Japan in septembre 1940, more than a year before the Pearl-attack in decembre 1941.T2: Spend 30 IPC: (Lets assume FIC and two Chines territories was taken in previous turn.) Now we buy two trannies and two destroyers. We need the destroyers because of the US subs out of Alaska that soon will threaten our convoy zones. Now we got a total of 6 trannies, but are that enough to make a successful attack ?
Japan must attack in T2 or T3. In the real war, Japan straifed Hawaii, and attacked Kwangtung (Hong Kong) at the same time. Later attacks in the same “turn” was Phillipines, Malaya, East Indies and Guam/Wake. A T3 attack will have 6 trannies in position for East Indies attacks, and two new trannies from Japan bound for Phillipines. The allies will also be stronger, and UK might get two NO’s.
Anyway, both Kwangtung and Malaya will be captured in the first turn of attacks, and in next turn they could use some factories. So what will it be ? A major in Kwa or a major in Malaya, or a combination of minors ?
attack round 1 on kwantung, put huge IC there
build 10 inf, and after those 10 keep building tanks and mech inf
move them to india through burma route and watch UK get kicked out of the board -
attack round 1 on kwantung, put huge IC there
build 10 inf, and after those 10 keep building tanks and mech inf
move them to india through burma route and watch UK get kicked out of the boardNo T1 attacks, please, its far too early. Just think about it, do you realy want USA to collect 62 IPC, UK to collect 37 IPC and ANZAC to collect 18 IPC when you still are on less then 30 IPC ?
You need to attack Kwangtung at the same time you attack Phillipines and Malaya. To do this, you will need to take control of FIC in T1, and then move your trannies into position for several attacks. In T1 you only have like 3 trannies. Your best opportunity to attack will be in T3, or maybe in T2. Not later, and not earlyer.
I think a minor IC in Kwang would be best (could upgrade later). Of coarse you would be playing an aggressive Japan. With Kwang having a NB already is a big (15 IPC) bonus. This would allow you to drop ships, or mech inf/tanks in Asia (very helpful). You could also build an AB on Formosa to protect ships in that coastal sz, and you can also launch Kami’s there. If you are in the global game then Manchuria should also get a miner to push into Russia. I say minor for Manchuria because if by some weird twist of fate you loose it then because its Chinese it would go by by. 12 IPC’s would be a loss, 30 IPC’s would be ouch!
attack round 1 on kwantung, put huge IC there
build 10 inf, and after those 10 keep building tanks and mech inf
move them to india through burma route and watch UK get kicked out of the boardNo T1 attacks, please, its far too early. Just think about it, do you realy want USA to collect 62 IPC, UK to collect 37 IPC and ANZAC to collect 18 IPC when you still are on less then 30 IPC ?
You need to attack Kwangtung at the same time you attack Phillipines and Malaya. To do this, you will need to take control of FIC in T1, and then move your trannies into position for several attacks. In T1 you only have like 3 trannies. Your best opportunity to attack will be in T3, or maybe in T2. Not later, and not earlyer.
UK 37 is a huge lie
13 is more accurate, malay can be takes round 3
US + 40 is nothnig compared to what they lose
take kwantung with land forces :)