What do we want in AAE40 that we didn't get in AAP40?

  • What do we want in AAE40 that we didn’t get in AAP40?

  • an accurate battle strip

  • Enough pieces that we have a few extras after setup

    Plastic AA guns

    Better Neutral rules

    Non coastal convoy zones

    Enough pieces that we have a few extras after setup


    Enough pieces that we have a few extras after setup

  • No, honestly, we dont need more pieces or chips, just buy two copies of the game. That should make mr Leeds happy. And seriously, do we really need an accurate Battlestrip, where the carrier has its correct values printet ? Of course not, we can just memorize the combat values. Thicker National Tokens with print on both sides ? Why ? Just glue two tokens together. A map that dont slippery slide aparth, but actually stick together during play ? Again a big why ?

  • @Razor:

    No, honestly, we dont need more pieces or chips, just buy two copies of the game. That should make mr Leeds happy. And seriously, do we really need an accurate Battlestrip, where the carrier has its correct values printet ? Of course not, we can just memorize the combat values. Thicker National Tokens with print on both sides ? Why ? Just glue two tokens together. A map that dont slippery slide aparth, but actually stick together during play ? Again a big why ?

    buy 2 same games? why?
    if you really want to throw away money, give it to charity

  • buy 2 same games? why?
    if you really want to throw away money, give it to charity

    I’m not buying 2 games we already paid 2 times as much as we should have. How about i not buy any more from this point on?

  • Rules that make sense.

    Neutrality that lasts as long as you don’t attack neutral powers.  (Otherwise, what’s point of neutrality, unless you like jumping the gun?)  In 1940, the USA wasn’t at war with either Japan or Germany, and didn’t really want to go to war either.

    BALANCED GAMEPLAY (like to really see how they will manage USA’s double wartime footing income with this version).  See neutrality example, above.

    Independent French player that joins Axis side once Paris falls (VICHY COLLABORATORS!!!)  If Paris is retaken by Allies, French player switches to allies side…

    Feasible German Operation Sealion opening.

  • I can tell you what I want in one word. QUALITY. And for $90, I should get it.

  • Enough stukas for Germany hopefully :|

  • TripleA '12

    German Stukas - hmm, there’s a good point. I wonder if they’ll make a new sculp for this unit or whether we’ll end up getting the one from AARevised? It was a bit small wasn’t it.

  • '10

    I need a upgrade for the mechanized infantry.

    Normal Infantry attack on 2 combined with an artillery.

    Mechanized Infantry should attack on 2 combined with a tank.


  • @Lozmoid:

    German Stukas - hmm, there’s a good point. I wonder if they’ll make a new sculp for this unit or whether we’ll end up getting the one from AARevised? It was a bit small wasn’t it.

    Well it is going to have to be made larger as the tac bombers are larger than the fighters.

  • TripleA '12

    Oh yes, I know that. I was just hoping WOTC don’t cheap out again and just use the old scult.

  • @SgtBlitz:

    Neutrality that lasts as long as you don’t attack neutral powers.  (Otherwise, what’s point of neutrality, unless you like jumping the gun?)  In 1940, the USA wasn’t at war with either Japan or Germany, and didn’t really want to go to war either.

    Well maybe it’s because I’m Canadian, eh, but not really feelin’ that automatic “US enters after 3 turns” concept.

    Like really?  It should be THAT locked-in to a timer?
    So if Japan just bashed around China for 3 turns, the US would say “isolation, schmisolation, let’s go!”
    I dunno if I can see that.

    I can see if Japan attacked the UK / Dutch / ANZAC and not the reverse. As it’s written that makes sense to me… Alliances have to have some purpose.

    And I agree that beyond that there should be some trigger. I could see the US going to war to protect Australia from falling into Japanese hands. Maybe if Japan reached a certain IPC level reflecting a containment perspective?

    Now having said that, things get really sketchy when you ponder the “what if” triggers for US involvement in Europe?  Or a Russian DoW without Barbarossa? 
    I’m thinking if Germany pursued a UK first strategy, the British in India would have more to fear from Stalin than Hitler.

    So what I’d want to see: a less time-based rule for the great neutrals entering the fray.

    • A VP system (like old AAP)
    • Exiled capital rules (to prevent Sea Lion being a game ender)
    • Paper money
    • Plastic ICs, aa guns and air/navy bases. That should be default!  :-P
    • Some chance of using soviet boats
    • Spain at least 2 territories (better 3  :-D )
    • Gibraltar at real size (no more Union Jack at Seville and Cordoba like in previous games  :roll:)
    • Portugal his own territory
    • France at least 4 territories, better 5
    • North Ireland can join Eire as neutral if Sea Lion success!
    • Better neutral rules
    • Global rules included (not some dumb reference to a web page)
    • Modified cardboard charts for ANZAC and UK in global game
    • Non agression pact USSR-Japan still in force for global game, with severe penalties for the one thjat breaks it
    • ACME walls deleted for global game and with retroactive effect for both AAP40 and AA50 (you know what I’m saying)  :wink:
    • A Krusty Qualify Seal, fully legal, that ensures that in the future, the past, the present or alternate realities or even in one million of years, that ACME walls will never come back to A&A. Never! Deleted from the existence until end of times even more that the Spiderman-Mari Jane marriage! :lol:  :mrgreen:
    • Switzerland and Sahara full impassable (or at least a macro garrison at Switzerland … maybe 20 infs?)
    • Italy 2 territories plus islands
    • Tons of divisions in american mainland to prevent ignore Japan strats
    • Andes also impassable, but rest of South America neutral with garrisons (to ensure Japan can attack USA from below if they want ignore Japan)
    • Maybe Rocky Mountains also impasable to be 100% sure of no ignore Japan strats
    • Tactical bombers move 5 or can be used in SBRs in some way
    • A fully tested setup  :-P
    • Some 1941 and 1942 scenarios …

    Ask gazillons of things and with a bit of luck you will get some!  :-D

  • A handful of Japanese tac bombers returning from secondment to the Luftwaffe? :lol:

  • Seriously, I want AA-guns in plastic. This is a must.
    Then I want Major and Minor factories in plastic. This is nice to have.
    I would also like AirBase and NavalBase in plastic.
    And if possible a neutral infantry sculpt. Togheter this will be a mold with 6 different sculpts in neutral light grey. If we are many enough, lets start a petition thread at AH forum, folks.

  • @Lozmoid:

    Oh yes, I know that. I was just hoping WOTC don’t cheap out again and just use the old scult.

    They are going to have to make a new mold, so maybe it will get better, but I doubt it.

  • Proper amount of Stukas.

  • @Krupp:

    Proper amount of Stukas.

    It seems to them that the proper amount is just enough for the original setup with the use of chips.

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