Religion is probably the most powerful force on the planet. It destroys, it creates. It rallies the masses, gives people hope, or douses that same hope.
Religion was created one of twopurposes.
To Control the masses. It is a perfect tool.
Someone honestly believed that their religion was real, and decided to convince other people it was real too.
I truely believe anyone who believes in an organized, centralized, and established religion is fooling themselves. I hold no malise towards them, it is their choice, but the conformist idea of religion is flawed at it’s heart. I am Agnostic, as most of you know. I believe there is something out there. But more on that later.
Note, I don’t support Atheists either. I believe some atheists can be just as arrogant and ignorant as believers in religion.
Why does one follow a religion? Theists, please answer this for me. Do you want to go to Heavan (or your religion’s version of it). Is it because of tradition? Is there even a reason?
Religions have too many rules. Great Religions have started as a simple idea (Christianity for example). The ideas were love, freedom, compansion, goodness, and honesty. I doubt there is a peson here who would dispute that these are great attributes.
However, eventually people come to organize this group of people who believe in the same religion. They attempt to make rules. To make people conform to these rules. This is the problem with Religion.
Does it really matter if you follow the rules or not? The Bible should be summed up in 2 sentences. Be a good person. If you do, your afterlife will be great.
But no. The Bible was written to be a set of rules. Thou shall not kill, ok, common sense. Thou shall not steal, common sense. Thou shall not have sex before marriage, yeah right.
Now, you start to get people who think it is their business to force other people to believe in this religion. This is the third stage of religion. People now “follow” the “rules” the religion has set out. People go out and try to convert others. Missionaries develope. People begin to kill for their “God”. Ala, the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Witch Hunts, Jihads, Suicide Bombers, Cult Murders, and Sacrifices.
Religious leaders should teach peace, equality, and freedom. But no, they want to stay in power. They teach hate. Hate and Greed are the reason for the Crusades. For the Witch hunts. For the Inquisitors. And because people think it is in the name of God, they do not question it.
Sorry if this post is rambling, kinda formulating my thoughts as I type…
Now you have the Modern day. Religions have come and gone. Christians take up about 31% of the earth. And hate is still taught. Muslims are taught to hate Jews. Jews are taught to hate Muslims. All religions are taught they are the only real Religion, the best one. People still die.
What prompted me to type this was an episode of Donahue. Now, I don’t watch his show often. I usually don’t agree with him. But Religion is one issue which we agree.
Donahue had Reverend Jerry Falwell on his show. The fanatic people call a Reverend was preaching his one message. “If you believe and accept Jesus as your savior, then and only then will you go to Heavan”.
People actually supported him. He said you could be the most honest, good, and loving person, but if you do not accept Jesus, you will not go to Heavan. He openly denounced a Hindu in the audience. He put Communists, Atheists, and Drug-Dealers in the same category.
And, Donahue replied. For one, I agreed with him. Donahue said, “Who are you to speak for your God? I consider myself a spiritual man, I believe in God, but how can someone be so arrogant as to proclaim such a thing.” He then alluded to Rev. Falwell going to hell for playing God.
Why do people like Falwell exist? Because people support him. People actually agree with him. And he just brews hate.
As I said before, I am an Agnostic. As Donahue said in the show, “I believe only an Agnostic is truely pious. I believe eveyone else is lieing to themselves.”
I agree with him completely.
Again, sorry I ranted on. What do you guys think? Tell me, why do you believe what you believe?