Hey, I love Axis and Allies as much as anybody around these parts… but sometimes I think you guys take it way too seriously… applying math formulas and algorithms and debating the correct equation to come to statistically logical conclusion to a formula… omg… guys step back… A&A is a game that is supposed to be a fun pastime to escape the dreariness of the real world for a few hours and just have a good time… if you’re debating mathematical formulas, you’ve lost the purpose of playing a game…
my 2-cents (probably an unpopular one too)
No not unpopular. That’s understandable. Its the norm in the 40 game now because guys want to change it. It was getting boring to them and wanted a change and they felt the piece values need to be changed and new pieces added.
I only play 39 games and those games have more stuff in them than the 40 game. Yes I’m one of the guilty ones that has to try testing one or 2 things in every game.
Also the changes that are happening in 40 game now are whats already in the 39 games up to a certain point.
If you ever get to the global games after your kids get older ( that be great ) you may see why the 40 OOB game needs a change.
We’re just trying to make the games better I would say.