On the 24th May 1864 Grant gifted Lee the kind of opportunity that rarely happens in a campaign: to wreck the other’s army.
After the bloodletting of May 5-12th, that cost Lee 22000 casualties and Grant 34000,'weakening both armies by 33% and 25% respectively, Grant again disengaged and moved South towards Richmond. Lee had followed and had been reinforced with 7 small Brigades from his capital.
Grant had inadvertentally straddled his large army across the North Anna river.
Lee saw the way to take advantage of his smaller numbers and punish the Federal II Corps, Grant’s best. He could throw 30000 men at the 24000 that were over the V in the river separating Grant’s two halves of his army. Hancock’s 24000 could not be reinforced, because of the V of the river, so he readied his assault.
On the afternoon of the 24th Lee fell violently sick with diarrhoea. He lay helplessly for hours while the opportunity to assault, before the Union commanders realised the sure situation were in.
The reason Lee’s defensive strike could not be undertaken was simple: the attrition of the last 19 days had robbed him of a subordinate able to manage it.
Time and opportunity passed. Grant and Hancock’s isolated Corps were extremely lucky.
We all know the loss of a quarter of Grant’s force would never have changed his resolve to “fight it all out, even if it takes all Summer”, but another battering would have diminished his potential to do so sooner.
Axis and Allies Battle Calculator on the iPhone - 5 free codes!
Hi folks,
I’m the author of a new app for the iPhone/iPod. It’s a battle calculator that can tell you your probability of winning a battle between a set of units. Screenshots and more information here: http://aasim.freezingblue.com
I thought I would do a little advertising - and give away some free codes at the same time. I have 5 free codes that can be used with a US account on the iTunes store. If you would like one, I will give them away to the first 5 people who request them in this thread. Also, you must send me a private message so that I can give you your code.
+1 karma, I don’t have a iphone but I have an ipod.
Great job, I’ve tried out the web version and it seems to work.
I would like a free code. A =1 karma to you.
I meant a +1 karma to you,
Cool, can I have one?
thanks, +1 karma :-D -
Thanks for the free code, I downloaded and it works!!!
Everyone should get one for their ipod (sorry I don’t own a iphone but if I did, I would recommend it for your iphone).
Hey thanks guys -
If you like it I’d appreciate a rating and/or comment too! http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=329680627&mt=8
Plus I’ve got 2 codes left …
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
Hey thanks guys -
No, thank you!
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
Not sure exactly what you mean. After X number of rounds of combat what you have left? Or loaded presets where you can touch a button and it would automatically load a specific configuration?
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
I was confused by that as well.
Sorry about the confusion.
I remember someone had a battle calculator that showed all the different scenario round by round.
Let’s say you attack with 6 inf vs. 1 inf, it would show you as the attacker.
Scenario: Attacker Defender
Scenario 1: 0 hit 0 hit
Scenario 2: 1 hit 0 hit
Scenario 3: 2 hits 0 hit
Scenario 4: 3 hits 0 hit
Scenario 5: 4 hits 0 hit
Scenario 6: 5 hits 0 hit
Scenario 7: 6 hits 0 hit
Scenario 8: 0 hit 1 hit
Scenario 14: 6 hits 1 hitIt would give the % chance of each scenario and also per round.
I can’t find it again.
+1 karma for trying to understand my confusing post.
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
Not sure exactly what you mean. After X number of rounds of combat what you have left? Or loaded presets where you can touch a button and it would automatically load a specific configuration?
Sorry about the confusion.
I remember someone had a battle calculator that showed all the different scenario round by round.
Let’s say you attack with 6 inf vs. 1 inf, it would show you as the attacker.
Scenario: Attacker Defender
Scenario 1: 0 hit 0 hit
Scenario 2: 1 hit 0 hit
Scenario 3: 2 hits 0 hit
Scenario 4: 3 hits 0 hit
Scenario 5: 4 hits 0 hit
Scenario 6: 5 hits 0 hit
Scenario 7: 6 hits 0 hit
Scenario 8: 0 hit 1 hit
Scenario 14: 6 hits 1 hitIt would give the % chance of each scenario and also per round.
I can’t find it again.
+1 karma for trying to understand my confusing post.
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
Not sure exactly what you mean. After X number of rounds of combat what you have left? Or loaded presets where you can touch a button and it would automatically load a specific configuration?
I think I know the one you’re talking about gnasape, it’s my favorite one. Are you thinking of www.frood.net/aacalc ?
Sorry about the confusion.
I remember someone had a battle calculator that showed all the different scenario round by round.
Let’s say you attack with 6 inf vs. 1 inf, it would show you as the attacker.
Scenario: Attacker Defender
Scenario 1: 0 hit 0 hit
Scenario 2: 1 hit 0 hit
Scenario 3: 2 hits 0 hit
Scenario 4: 3 hits 0 hit
Scenario 5: 4 hits 0 hit
Scenario 6: 5 hits 0 hit
Scenario 7: 6 hits 0 hit
Scenario 8: 0 hit 1 hit
Scenario 14: 6 hits 1 hitIt would give the % chance of each scenario and also per round.
I can’t find it again.
+1 karma for trying to understand my confusing post.
5 stars!
Any chance you might add another feature that shows most most likely scenarios per round?
Not sure exactly what you mean. After X number of rounds of combat what you have left? Or loaded presets where you can touch a button and it would automatically load a specific configuration?
Hmmm, that’s an interesting idea. I will put it on my list - but honestly, I’m not sure I’d put that in. It seems like an excessive amount of information with no good way to show it cleanly. What are you trying to discern - what your odds of losing/winning per round are?
You might want to look at the calculator in the link freezing. It does several things and in my opinion is about the best out there.
You might want to look at the calculator in the link freezing. It does several things and in my opinion is about the best out there.
Frood’s calculator? Yes, it has many good options. My aim was for something quick and easy to use. If you are an expert player, you may want more in-depth statistics.
I dont get it…