ok thanks!
Spring 1942 IPC record sheet
I posted a similar IPC record sheet for AA50 but I thought I’d post the one for 1942 for anyone that is interested, especially since the game doesn’t come with any monopoly money anyhow. I know that IL has posted a similar sheet but I thought I’d throw mine into the mix as well. It’s probably a little overkill but I think it’s nice to look back and see the overall game trends. I think it’s a pretty good way of recording a game in a fairly concise way.
The front page includes a place to record each power’s player and the date of course. In the “notes” part I record any significant battles large or small, as well as interesting/unlikely events. The record sheet is one page (front and back) and consists of 10 rounds. When a game goes longer than 10 rounds, there is a third single sheet you can print off over and over again until the game is over. Typically we just play until one player concedes.
Does anyone have a mid-game record sheet for Spring 1942 yet? I know someone posted one for AA50 and I use it regularly.
i use small poker chips instead of recording or the paper money.
Looks handy, thanks!
Used this the other night. Very handy.
Thanks for the sheet.
Do you carry forward any balances from the 1st round to the 2nd round? If so which line do you carry forward ?
Just got the game for XMAS for my son, and the Rulebook that came with it is very poor. They mention you don’t have to spend all your IPC, but don’t anything about carring forward a balance.
You’re welcome.
Yes, you do carry a balance from one round to the next. Let’s use the 1st and 2nd rounds as an example. First you determine your “Unspent” income by subtracting any IPCs used to repair any Industrial Complexes and IPCs used to purchasing units. After you have conducted all combat moves in the game, collect your IPCs and enter it into the appropriate row; this number will be similar to the Round 1 starting IPCs, but less (more) any lost (gained) territories. Finally, add this “Collect IPC” value to your “Unspent” value and carry it to over to the next round. Enter this totaled value into the “Round X IPCs” row and that’s what you have to spend the next round.
I hope this helps, sorry if it’s a little verbose.
Honestly, the sheet is a little overkill in the 1942 version, but in more complex versions like Pacific 1940, where you’re collecting IPCs from National Objectives and reducing IPCs from convoy disruptions, it’s a nice way of keeping track of everything.
A big thanks to ya.
We played our first two games and maybe it is the instruction a little vauge or maybe I’m a little too dense, but I didn’t understand thsi IPC stuff until I saw and used your sheet.
I think the manufacture of the game should include a sheet like this and in the rulebook explain with example how you add and when and carry forward these IPC’s.
Again thanks for sharing with us all!
Thanks for sharing. Going to use this tonight. :-)