• like I said before-why waste your money when you can get it for free

  • '10

    Where can you get the cd for free?

  • Iron Blitz? lots of places

  • opps that ws me :oops:

  • '10

    Are you talking about a free download? You cannot play other people online without a cd…download only won’t work. Iron Blitz is worthless by the way, I’m talking about the original cd which is playable.

  • Hmm – so you say Iron Blitz is worthless? I thought it was the “new and improved” A&A CD game. I have yet to acquire either, and was thinking from comments elsewhere that IB would be more flexible, etc.

    Care to elaborate?

  • '10

    There are so many bugs in Iron Blitz it is virtually unplayable. No patch was ever made for the game like the original cd version. Do not buy a copy of IB unless you want to melt it for bullets.

  • disagree.
    and yes, i’ve played both.
    and i thought that i had dl’d and applied a patch to IB.
    The thing of it is, IB is quite handy for learning on as the 'puter doesn’t do that stupid thing where it buys a billion subs, or just moves stuff back and forth all the time.
    True, had some crashes, also true - happens w/ the original.

  • i dont really care if i can play on the net of not i just wanna see if i can find a downloadable version. and please not Iron Blitz, just the original A&A. :wink:

  • While you’re busy downloading, you can also score an A&A CD game via Ebay for under $10, plus maybe $4 shipping.

    Sey GeZe, is there any way to get dogs of war that I could play on the mac?

    Or is it totally hopeless to play any of these online versions in macland – and should I take my own advice, hit Ebay and score a used Dell for a song?

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