Hell, we need to help out that entire area of East Africa. Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan are 3 reasons why terrorism exists. Dictators, Terrorists, and Drug Dealers all prosper in poverty. And this region has enough poverty to go around.
American has already poured billions of dollars in food, medical, and other supplies being sent to Africa. More often then not it ends up in the hands of the wrong people or uttlerly wasted. It is easy to say help out the “needy,” but without a clear plan and a course of action these promises are worthless. Investment is needed, but in the hands of the right people. The question is what plan will work best?
We have the power, and the responsiblity, as the #1 nation in the world, to help other nations survive and prosper.
Ha, try saying that to a capitalistic country, the cause of such extreme poverty in Africa… :-?
Right. And as Kurt Vonnegut has pointed out, it is hard to feel urgent concern for the starving masses across the sea when you just had a really nice, filling meal.
You know, if police robots were sent here by superintelligent types from across the Galaxy (see “The Day the Earth Stood Still”) these powerful, mute robots wouldn’t give a sht about anybody’s religions or fanaticisms, etc. They would issue commands to lay down arms, and issue deadlines.
Or else.
That’s it.
We would have to quickly figure out ways to live together.
The freakin robots would not take down names, numbers, or hear stories about who hit who first and whose gd said to do this or not that but only under the following circumstances, etc.
When is this human species gonna grow up awreddy bruddas!?
Since the robots have yet to land, we can only look into the mirror – namely, the faces of our children!
We owe it to these little heroes to stop preaching, teaching, wishing and acting hate. It’s all about getting off our duffs and doing good.
And fast.
And keeping at it.
In the meantime, we inherit from our blessed (and otherwise) ancestors this current mess. What these folks in wartorn lands need to learn is the same thing: live together. To heal. And when they cannot get there on their own, then we do have to march in, if “we” are the organizations (nations, leagues, federations, clubs, armies, tribes) who have the superior wherewithal. We have to, morally – and even for our own selfish good, long-term. We have to hose them down, send them to neutral corners, get em talking again – instead of killing.
But let’s not be simplistic about the choices. There are plenty of reasons smart people, sensitive people, can differ on what to do about Iraq, for example. And how to go about it. Military solutions are a narrow channel approach. And no seasoned military commander would ever advocate a 100-percent military solution to the kinds of problems we are talking about. By definition there are political, economic, and oh all right spiritual components to human strife. We have to play hard but play fair.
Getting back to the robots, they wouldn’t wonder about any of this. Not in the job description.
Their masters might spend a few minutes pondering how human belief structures and habits of thought ever got so funky and twisted and absurd and crusty. But these programmers of the robots would ultimately be concerned only with results. Peace & quiet among the communities of the Galaxy.
Now, there is an opening here for someone to advocate world dictatorship and a single religion or some such nonsense as the only way to keep the robots from vaporizing us – “everybody form a line, repeat after me, etc. and nobody gets hurt.” Just as there is an opening for someone to advocate world democracy and tolerance and celebration of our differences, and nonviolent conflict resolution, and healing.
Hope our kids are ready, got their thang together when the robots show up.
And when the filibustering is over, what are the answers? :-?