Let’s see…
*Formula De’, along with 20 open wheel and 36 Gt cars. Painted of course.
*Star Trek Starship combat sim.
*Car wars
*Air Force with Dauntless expansion from Avalon Hill. Now using 700 scale miniatures.
*Firefly and Battletech
Don’t even bother trying to get pieces from Hasbro. They don’t care about us A&A players to offer part sets to us & when you ask they just give you the royal run-around. Sorry if I sound too bitter…
All Axis & Allies games. Some American Civil War games. Also Railroad Tycoon. No time or players for any others. I thought that I would like online versions of AA but the commitment to others that I do not know is awkward. I feel bad if I start and then have to leave before the game is over. If its someone that I know then we can always save and continue later. I am involved with this forum only.