Yeah we have, in fact it was our first 10 page topic ) But what the hell, why not relive the topic. Newby, do me a favor and register.
The United Nations is an organization designed for the little guy. The idea of it is to have a world wide democracy. In the past, sometimes its worked and sometimes it hasn’t.
I think they want power and money.
Don’t we all?
The easiest way to get it is from the US government before the US citizens know what is happening.
All Countries who pay their dues pay a fixed percentage of their GDP. The US has Veto power to look out for the needs of it’s citizens.
The UN wants to control US soldiers, as well as try, imprison and tax US citizens.
The UN has no standing army, and does not “control” US soldiers. The UN does not impose taxes upon anyone, except in the indirect form of UN dues which all countries are supposed to pay. Who owes the UN the most money? The United States.
Imprison US citizens? Your joking right? If a country imprisoned a US citizen that wasn’t breaking that country’s laws, Strongman Bush would start a war.