• Here’s my favorite G1 (assuming RR and 2-hit BB), I’ll explain it in detail:

    Buy 8 infantry, 1 Transport

    I think the transport is a better purchase than a sub for a few reasons: the chance of a lone transport destroying a bomber is about 25%, if the UK hits the Battleship & Transport instead I can get two more infantry to Africa instead of being shut out with a worthless sub (Hint to UK - you should do this if possible), and if they don’t hit either I have extra fodder or can transport 2 Infantry and a Tank to Africa on G2.

    Hit the North Sea with 5 Fighters and 2 submarines. You shouldn’t lose a plane.

    Hit the UK Canada transport with a bomber and ALWAYS land in Western Europe so you can threaten the Eastern US SZ on G2.

    Ignore the Gibraltar BB.

    Hit Egypt & sub with transport & 2 Inf, BB, and troops from Libya. :)

    Don’t take the Caucasus on G1 - you can’t afford to to spare the infantry - you must stack Eastern Europe with everything you can.

    All pretty standard except I haven’t used the other German transport yet…

    Suprise Move:
    Move 2 infantry from Norway to Algeria during the non-combat move.

    The reason I like this so much is that it gives Germany the best possible start in Africa, which is where the game is won or lost.

    If you do this, hit Egypt, and placed your bidded infantry in Libya you will have a firm grasp in Africa with 6-8 infantry and a tank, and you have also blocked the Allies from landing in Algeria on Turn 1!

    The biggest disadvantage to this opening is that you have left the Gibralter BB alone, but it can’t do much because it is boxed in by the two transports.

    As a variation I sometimes ignore the Canadian transport (since it can’t hit Algeria), use the Bomber in the North Sea and send 1 Fighter to Egypt instead.

  • This was supposed to be a reply to Yanny’s post below…

  • Good moves, but why leave the UK BB alone?
    Also, isn’t that lone trn you purchased vulernable to UK planes the following turn?

  • I like it. The only real problem I have is that you have made Norway much easier for the allies to capture. Of course, Germany usually loses that fairly quickly anyway.

  • buy tanks so you can blitz

  • Where?

  • @TG:

    Good moves, but why leave the UK BB alone?
    Also, isn’t that lone trn you purchased vulernable to UK planes the following turn?

    I leave the UK BB alone for two reasons; a.) so that there is very little risk of losing a fighter in the naval attacks (since they are 2-hit), and b.) because it can’t do much and you can hit it on G2. Also, sometimes if the Gibraltar BB is alive on UK1 then the UK won’t buy an AC, which is a Good Thing (for Germany).

    The purchased transport is vulnerable, but you have to purchase it or sub, otherwise the UK BB can hit your navy on the coast of Egypt.


    I like it. The only real problem I have is that you have made Norway much easier for the allies to capture. Of course, Germany usually loses that fairly quickly anyway.

    That is true, but I would much rather have the 2 infantry down in Africa instead of defending Norway.


    buy tanks so you can blitz

    Bad advice against a good Russian player. You can’t afford to buy tanks on the first two turns or you will get kicked out of EE. If Russia is stacking Karelia then Germany will be scrambling to defend EE - they will need every Infantry they can get. Germany has to play aggressive in Africa and conservative in Europe…

  • The purchased transport is vulnerable, but you have to purchase it or sub, otherwise the UK BB can hit your navy on the coast of Egypt.

    Can’t UK just hit it with her bmb?

  • Yes they can, but you will either get an AA roll at it - which gives you about a 40% chance of shooting down the bomber altogether - or it will have to land in Syria which Germany can hit heavily on G2.

    Many people (it’s probably 50/50) buy a sub instead of a transport on the theory that they want to go with the chance of the sub surviving instead.

    You are almost definitely losing your transport or sub, but it saved you a fighter and allowed you to go sink the Canadian transport.

  • Ansbach,

    I struggle with this opening move every time. The problem I have with this first move is that although you save your planes, you still have to go after that BB on G2 and you will lose a plane (or two) in attacking it without fodder. If Britain goes the AC/US planes route then you are possibly losing 3 planes in 1 turn. The question I ask for myself is: are 2 infantry in Algeria worth losing planes?

    I think not, especially when you have “Sea Fodder” to support your first round attacks. Which brings me to another issue I would like to ask everyone’s opinion on.

    What is the German response (G2) to the British AC with US planes and possibly 2 TRNs?

    I am a fan of going for it immediatly and with everything I’ve got. I won’t go more than a single round for I can usually score enough hits to take out the TRNs and the AC in one round and anything more would take more planes. I’ve seen other people wait a round or two to either build subs to take the hits or build more planes to even the inevitable loss. I think this is just prolonging and I believe it is better to get it earlier than later to avoid US reinforcement and almost a total loss to German air.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I agree with your reasoning but not your tactics - losing 3 German fighters on G2 is almost suicide…

    Tactically, I’m the opposite of you - I never go after the UK AC & transports with just German air units. I also leave the BB alone if it went north. The German fighters are needed too badly on defense! By keeping all 5 fighters alive, I can usually hang on to Western Europe for the game because I can keep 2-3 there and 2-3 in Eastern Europe. Sometimes I will buy one more so that I can send one down to Africa. The rest of my money is all infantry - if you buy all infantry every turn and keep all of your fighters alive, Germany can hold out for a long, long time…

    Basically, I think that unless the Allied player makes a mistake you are better off saving your fighters for defense and conceding the survival of the Allied fleet early. Instead I hit it in the mid-game with Japan.

    If you decided to hit the BB on G2, use 4 or 5 of your planes and you should lose 0-1 fighters. I think trading a German fighter for the UK battleship is debatable, which is why I usually let it escape.

  • Yes they can, but you will either get an AA roll at it - which gives you about a 40% chance of shooting down the bomber altogether - or it will have to land in Syria which Germany can hit heavily on G2.

    You can just fly around the AA gun… though I doubt many players use Active AA-guns. Besides can’t that bomber land in the Caucacus?

    If UK doesn’t purchase an AC but instead sends the BB to reinforce their fleet, will you attack it with your ftrs then?

  • @TG:


    if you buy a 2 transports and a tank in italy then you cam transport 2 infantry and 2 tanks to africa.

  • Whoa, buying two transports! Now you’re just asking for trouble. Trust me, the Russians will be upon you before you even get a chance to use them. :)

  • @TG:

    You can just fly around the AA gun… though I doubt many players use Active AA-guns. Besides can’t that bomber land in the Caucacus?

    If UK doesn’t purchase an AC but instead sends the BB to reinforce their fleet, will you attack it with your ftrs then?

    I think over half of online players do play with AAA, and yes, the bomber can also land in the Caucacus - but that could also be a little risky for the UK.

    You are right, you can pretty much write of the transport - you will almost definitely lose it to either the UK bomber or the Gibraltar BB. But it’s main function is to protect the German BB and Transport in the Eastern Med from the Gibraltar BB. If it survives that’s just a bonus.

    I would probably still leave the BB alone if it made it back to the North Sea - the fighters are more important to Germany in the early stages of the game than in the later stages, so I would still wait and hit with Japan later on…


    Whoa, buying two transports! Now you’re just asking for trouble. Trust me, the Russians will be upon you before you even get a chance to use them.

    I agree 100% - bad idea!

  • I think over half of online players do play with AAA, and yes, the bomber can also land in the Caucacus - but that could also be a little risky for the UK.

    Yea, I for one like to play AAA (esp when I’m Axis), though I know other players will not (-> looks at TM :roll:)

    I would probably still leave the BB alone if it made it back to the North Sea - the fighters are more important to Germany in the early stages of the game than in the later stages, so I would still wait and hit with Japan later on…

    German ftrs. are ALWAYS the single greatest deterant. :)

  • Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, internet connection is so slow I only have time for 6-7 posts a day.

    I like your plan, with one fatal execption. That Lone UK BB, its a 2hb remember? Don’t want him on the loose. It could take out that transport with ease. And, if you decide to attack it, and the BB hits, your going to either a) Lose a fighter (if you send one) or b) lose that second Transport.

    Personally, I leave Egypt for G2, and mop up the British Navy to the last ship (except India) first turn.

    And your right, allowing that Sub to live is a huge mistake.

  • @TG:

    Whoa, buying two transports! Now you’re just asking for trouble. Trust me, the Russians will be upon you before you even get a chance to use them. :)

    well if your willing to risk it use my strat and do a full out invasion of russia with all your air force

  • Lose your airforce, lose the game. The flak is heavy over the skies of Karelia. :-?

  • I’ve never tried my strat but I might experament

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