ready and willing to get ass kicked by Olivia! :evil:
Have any of u read "Stupid White Men"?
it came out before 9/11, now hes written a chapter about it that you can read for free at his site “”, its also about the problems with racism.
quote from book-
I don’t see where that would translate… :-?
Well like George, I’d be lucky too.
Michael Moore.
Now, there’s a literary genius! :roll:
It must been a bestseller … all of three copies sold? -
Moore is such a winy putz.
Not saying I like Bush.
Man you are rackin up the posts!
Looks like my position in the polls
is gonna be in danger soon.Hey, dude you joined on my B-day!
micheal moore is in the green party.
Moore’s an idiot. Have you ever seen him in a debate? I’m not surprised he turned to writing…
Bowling for Culumbine came out!