Stuart is to normal detail, and Zis truck is done to fine detail. Truck has a manned AA Gun, ammo belt boxes, ammo cans, camo netting (enough to cover entire vehicle) rolled up with poles, dented fenders and door, fuel can, shovel with straps, and spent ammo in the rear deck.
Luchs 2 mods & Sd234/4 mod with crew
These 6 Luchs were Flamingos, with front ends resculpted, extra front hull armor, and rear smoke launchers removed. Puma turrets (as-is) have washers added underneath for better look and to allow turret to rotate without scraping engine covers. 4 in camo, sequencially numbered, for a customer, as is the crewed sd 234/4. The 2 plain sand Luchs are for my army, and will have interchangeable Luchs I turrrets.