war is most deinantly political. How about britain and the fokland islands? How about germans, europeans, and americans liberating Kuwait from Iraq? Obviously it was a wise political mood.
Well, if you are attacked by a country (and therefore forced into war) i would say that politics has failed beforehand. Then of course you should fight. If you receive a call for help by a country who is invaded/conquered, you have do decide wether to go into war or not. THe two examples you brought to not disagree with my position.
“To make my stand:
I don’t want in Iraq. I don’t want a war in Palestine and Israel. THe problem and difference between these two is:
The resolutions against the Iraq cover “domestic” issues (as long as he doesn’t invade other countries or uses his weapons abroad)”
Not to buy chinese radar systems and what not…
i should have said “would cover” then. The “old resolution” of course was set up after an “international” affair (Quwait), but actually i don’t mind them buying radar systems more than i mind the US doing research on forbidden aggressive chemical weapons.
“, while the resolutions against Israel (which are being defied much longer than the Iraq defies its resolutions)”
Right there, stop the lie. STOP! That is opinion not fact, and a bad opinion
because it is an outright lie. Iraq tortures far more than the Israelis, and they (Qussai’s secret police) torture to keep saddam in power, and the rare instances of torture from the IDF deal with captured killers…and that is extremely rare. You condemn israelis executions of people they cannot arrests. One cannot count or remember those killed by Saddam in Iraq.
I didn’t lie. You interpreted too much into my lines, but you got my point.
Israel is not torturing its citizens, but the citizens of its occupied areas. Iraq tortures its people. That’s what i meant with the difference between “international” and “domestic”.
How is your stand on nations sovereignity and right to handle their internal affairs “undisturbed” (i know it sounds sarcasric in this context, but i’d like to know that from you regardless of these two examples). When does the international community have a right to step in and tell a government that they have to stop what they are doing to their own people / to foreign people that happen to be under their rule (tourists, in occupied areas,etc)?