Response to Coach……
1- We don’t use Fortresses That way. That sounds pretty strong, We just Match em up with Infantry/Elite Unit and those matching Inf get a 3 def for the combat or as long as the bunker is not Destroyed, and The Bunker Can Take 1 Hit like a BB. But gets No Dice Roll.
2- I Disagree they don’t become to powerful. The Problem is the Mech is stated wrong IMO.
Try giving your Mechanized unit a Lower Def. like 2-1-2 att,def,move cost 4. That should
Balance it out for you.
3- I don’t use the Minor Nations------yet
4- Same as Above
5- Not a chance, This gets balanced out rather quickly
6- No Again, If you are having issues Beating the German U boat fleet Back, try Building your UK Navy in Quebec, In the Space that Does Not Contain the Anchor. You start with I believe 1 dd and 2 Transports. rd 1 Build 1 BB there. The most Germany is going to be ABLE to hit this space is 3 Subs. Also Fly 1 or 2 Fighters from UK to Quebec to place on your New Carrier next turn.
Rd 2 Buy a carrier and place your Planes on it. Move your Fleet to the Quebec Space that HAS the Anchor. Place your Carrier here w/ planes The US can Reinforce this
Rd 3 Build DD’s and Other Larger ships in the space with the Anchor off UK Move your Capitol ships in to that same space. Now you have a respectable Fleet Off the UK Main land again and may begin your Assault, you should Have: At Least 1 Destroyer, 2 Transports, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier w/ 2 fighters + 4 Ships of your Choice + Whatever The US Can get there also.
The German U Boat threat should all But Disapear Unless they got U Boat Interdiction or Wolf pack NA. But you will have a Sizable Fleet in the Atlantic.
7- China as we play it. Can build Inf. Only. Only Makes $9 their Factory Produces 2 Units and The Burma rd can Produce 1 Inf. itself. The USA may replace China’s fighter if Lost, This does not count against Build Limit. They may only ever have 1 fighter
8- This is your Choice, We play they are at war from Game start. Unless the Non aggression Treaty comes into play, then it’s really up to the IJN player at that point