• Moderator

    The whole Board

  • Moderator

    We used large pieces to Act as Fleet or Army cards

  • Moderator

    More shots of Russia

  • Moderator

    The mighty Italian Fleet

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    Russia and Germany Again

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    Just Another pic

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    Well there are the few pics I promised you all.

    Overall the game was a lot of fun, I would like to thank all of the players who showed up this weekend

    The axis players wanted to call a draw, but after Russia completly dismantled Japans Stack with little loss to themselves it was apparent the Russia could also Destroy the German and Italian stack combined.

    We played with 2 National advantages at games start, added another at the begining of round 6, and then added a free tech at the end of round 10

    The combined Allied fleet went deep into Hostile japanese territory with much confidence, but after Japan rolled Jet fighter for there free tech, they quickly destroyed the Allied efforts although themselves sustained Heavy losses.

    The UK managed several landings in Europe and even took Berlin and their 60+ IPC’s that they had.

    The Axis players did pick up 3 new victory cities to show for their efforts, along with JPN’s vast expansion throughout Asia and the Pacific

    This game was in the making for over 3 yrs.  It took along time to collect all the playing pieces and to collect a large amount of each unit needed.

    If anybody wishes to play, drop me a line and we will see if we can set something up

    Thanks for reading my Posts

  • Gameboard looks great and so do all of those pieces. Some of the pieces could stand to be smaller especially the tanks. How did the game flow? Were there any flaws in the rules? Was the game balanced?

  • Nice picture, is that map a modified Axis and Allies Europe map?  Also what game were the pieces from?  I don’t recognize it as any Axis and Allies pieces.

  • Moderator

    cannon fodder-  Look at page 7 of this thread, there is more then 1 pic  :evil:

  • HOLY COW!  Let me rephrase that, nice pictures!!!  Are the pieces from Axis and Allies minatures?

    Is the map on plexiglass?  I thought I saw the light from the camera on the map.  That is really nice.


    cannon fodder-  Look at page 7 of this thread, there is more then 1 pic  :evil:

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Very Nice!!!

  • Moderator


    HOLY COW!  Let me rephrase that, nice pictures!!!  Are the pieces from Axis and Allies minatures?

    Is the map on plexiglass?  I thought I saw the light from the camera on the map.  That is really nice.

    Yes the pieces are from the A&A land Minis game and the Boats are from A&A War at Sea

    yes plexi glass, so to protect the map from spills and whatever else could end up on it

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I am getting ready to print out your map 47" X 94"
    I also have a 48" X 96" piece of plexiglass to lay over it.
    I have nearly collected the pieces and now starting to paint.
    I am using 1/285 armor and 1/2400 ships and 1/72 infantry
    AAA subs and artillery

  • Sorry for the late post, but this was awsome. I haven’t played a live game in years and this took me back. Plus the map was well made and put together nicely. Much better than playing on a piece of hand painted cardboard box. The pieces fit well with the oversized gameboard. Definately can’t wait until the next time.

  • How much would it cost to get a basic set of Axis and Allies Minatures to be able to use it to play a game of Axis and Allies Spring 1942 Edition?  I have no idea how much minatures cost.  And where could I go to find cheap minatures.

  • Moderator

    you wouldn’t want to go and Buy a Whole set, most of the units will be of No use to you.

    Honestly I can’t answer that……right now.  I got most of my units through trading. But I am sure I have spent close to a Grand on all my Axis and Allies stuff put together(Mini’s, Board games, and the Map)

  • How about enough units to play Axis and Allies Spring 1942 with minatures?  Your pictures looked so cool, I thought I would give it a shot.


    you wouldn’t want to go and Buy a Whole set, most of the units will be of No use to you.

    Honestly I can’t answer that……right now.  I got most of my units through trading. But I am sure I have spent close to a Grand on all my Axis and Allies stuff put together(Mini’s, Board games, and the Map)

  • Moderator

    considering War at Sea box cost $15 for 1 rare, 1 uncommon, and 3 commons And around $10 a box for the land Minis, !r, 2x UC  and 5-6 commmons.  You want version 1 vehicles though. Version 2 they are bigger, BUT WILL be easier to collect I think

  • Thanks, I will check ebay first.  What is the difference between version 1 and version 2?  Sorry I play Axis and Allies boardgames but not the Minatures.


    considering War at Sea box cost $15 for 1 rare, 1 uncommon, and 3 commons And around $10 a box for the land Minis, !r, 2x UC  and 5-6 commmons.  You want version 1 vehicles though. Version 2 they are bigger, BUT WILL be easier to collect I think

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