• That was Admiral Yamamoto’s nightmare when it came to calculating the number of American ships in the Pacific. The Japanese airforce and many of the younger naval officers often imbellished Japanese victories. For example, they reported that an American carrier I believe she was named the Lexington had been sunk when in fact they had hit a battleship. They also reported things such as “1 American battleship torpedoes which surely must have sunk.” As the war progressed,i t was found out that not only did the American ship not sink, but that she wasreally a destroyer and not a battleship.

  • Yeah, people often made their targets seems a bit larger than they really were in life. :-?

  • I read that German losses in World War 2 were 5.2 million while the soviets suffered the most 13.1 million out of the 52 million (including civilians) casualties in World War 2.

    Weren’t the Russian casualties at like 30 million?

  • casualties at like 30 million

    Actually, from what I’ve read, that number is more like 35 million. However, there is a big difference between Casualties and combat deaths.
    EmuGod might of been refering to combat deaths when he said “suffered.”

  • How do you get quotes to work?
    I cant ever get mine to work

  • @TG:

    casualties at like 30 million

    Actually, from what I’ve read, that number is more like 35 million. However, there is a big difference between Casualties and combat deaths.
    EmuGod might of been refering to combat deaths when he said “suffered.”

    I’m referring to the total number of both civilians and troops killed in the entire war. I’ve seen this statistic several times. 30 million for the Soviets alone is impossible, especially considering that the Germans brought 2 or maybe 3 million troops to fight against the Soviets when they launched Operation Barbarossa. The Soviets would have had to drop like flies in order for that to be right.

  • @Drumstix:

    How do you get quotes to work?
    I cant ever get mine to work

    Ya, I have problems with mutiple quotes in one posts.

    So, You quote the post you want and It doesn’t work.

  • half the time mine doesnt work ether

  • Russia’s total enlistment in 1945 was 12 million, the americans had 16 million in total and the germans had raised 9 million in total by 1945.

  • i’m not saying the germans had 9 million men in 1945, over the course of the war they had raised 9 million men, the total army numbers for russia and usa were 12 and 16 million respectively

  • But the Americans only lost about 250,000 troops while the Soviets lost around 12 million.

  • only 250 000 ?

  • opps that was me

  • Yes, the British also lost around 250,000 but they lost more than the Americans.

  • If America had entered Europe earlier the war would’ve gone better for the allies.

  • @EmuGod:

    Yes, the British also lost around 250,000 but they lost more than the Americans.

    in world war two? are you sure only 250,000?

  • Here are some stats to ponder.

    Where you find extra digits they refer to footnotes (e.g., 3,250,0004 the final “4” is a footnote number).

    These are military figures only. For instance, Soviets lost more than 20million including civilians, while this chart shows 6mm dead for USSR. “Men in War” means over course of war (so your figures of 16mm US, etc. roughly match these – although it is interesting that NO figure is given for Soviets – certainly the Nazis underestimated the resources at Stalin’s disposal, and certainly the USSR kept records out of sight for decades after, but some guesses could be made based on total population. US total pop in 1940 was 130mm, and Soviet was somewhere north of 200mm. Germany was 70mm or 80mm – interesting, as 80mm is the total pop of unified Germany today).

    This table can be found at:::: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004619.html

    Casualties in World War II

    Country Men in war Battle deaths Wounded
    Australia 1,000,000 26,976 180,864
    Austria 800,000 280,000 350,117
    Belgium 625,000 8,460 55,5131
    Brazil2 40,334 943 4,222
    Bulgaria 339,760 6,671 21,878
    Canada 1,086,3437 42,0427 53,145
    China3 17,250,521 1,324,516 1,762,006
    Czechoslovakia — 6,6834 8,017
    Denmark — 4,339 —
    Finland 500,000 79,047 50,000
    France — 201,568 400,000
    Germany 20,000,000 3,250,0004 7,250,000
    Greece — 17,024 47,290
    Hungary — 147,435 89,313
    India 2,393,891 32,121 64,354
    Italy 3,100,000 149,4964 66,716
    Japan 9,700,000 1,270,000 140,000
    Netherlands 280,000 6,500 2,860
    New Zealand 194,000 11,6254 17,000
    Norway 75,000 2,000 —
    Poland — 664,000 530,000
    Romania 650,0005 350,0006 —
    South Africa 410,056 2,473 —
    U.S.S.R. — 6,115,0004 14,012,000
    United Kingdom 5,896,000 357,1164 369,267
    United States 16,112,566 291,557 670,846
    Yugoslavia 3,741,000 305,000 425,000

    1. Civilians only.2. Army and navy figures.3. Figures cover period July 7, 1937–Sept. 2, 1945, and concern only Chinese regular troops. They do not include casualties suffered by guerrillas and local military corps.4. Deaths from all causes.5. Against Soviet Russia; 385,847 against Nazi Germany.6. Against Soviet Russia; 169,822 against Nazi Germany.7. National Defense Ctr., Canadian Forces Hq., Director of History.NOTE: The figures in this table are unofficial estimates obtained from various sources.

  • wowyou even have Bulgaria

  • Of course he would, Bulgaria was part of the Axis.

  • until the soviets went into romania then we changed into allies and had soldiers fight aganst the germans

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