Hey Mot, did you refine the white borders on the Set II pieces? They look good on my MapView.
Yeah, I’m anal :-D Actually, it really only took a minute.
Also, my first attempt to start a new game with the new mod crashed … showed an “image error” diolog box very briefly before shutting down. Opened fine the seconnd go around.
Slightly concerning…perhaps you dropped in the new UDM while MapView was running?
As for the migration to the new maps, I am in favor. I just played my first game with the new set and maps last weekend and I thought every worked out fine.
Not exactly what I meant, but definately need to include the new maps. I really meant increasing the size on the screen of the original maps to make more room in each hex for more units, markers, etc.
Also, I still would like to make some mods based off of some of the historical scenarios posted on the WOTC web site. Hope to work on that this weekend.
I don’t know much about them, are thye just custom maps?