History following a common theme?

  • @Yanny:

    200 million man army… of course not. How about 50 Million, with replaceable losses. China won’t worry much about 100,000 being lost in the battle, theres 150 million potential drafties out there.

    The Chineese Air Force isn’t pathetic, remember they can see our Stealthe Bombers. The Bombers would likely be based in Japan. To bomb deep into China, they are going to go without Fighter Support. And we know what happens then.

    China will overwhelm South Korea and Taiwan easily. Japan is another matter, but if the Chineese built up their navy in the pre war years, you never know. Keep in mind we’re not going to war this very second. China’s space program is well underway. Soon they will have spy satellites everywhere we do.

    Israel supplies China with weapons, but outdated ones do to the request of the United States. This is to keep China in check.

  • @DasEwokSS:

    inter racial marrige is ilegal in Germany? this is a suprise to me :roll:

    You don’t read, do you?
    It’s not illegal in germany:

    Interracial marriage is illegal in Alabama, US of A !

    Ewok…… did you really say i lost ten points in the other thread? Are you at least a bit embarrassed?

  • There are lots of bad laws in America. Athiests cannot hold office in Tennesee.

  • yes falk i do not read that much. but then again that artical u posted was in German i am only unilingual. so maybe i lost ten points 2 :)

  • o and i am not embarassed

  • Hay F_alk, I heard that Dresden was flooded. What’s going on in Germany with the floods? Are any other cities affected?

  • We have major floodings all over the world actually. Have a look at China, Bangladesh, Phillipines and India.
    In Europe ist mostly Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany, with the rivers Elbe and Mulde carrying lots of water. More or less all cities on their shores are/have been flooded. Dresden is the most important (historically), Bitterfeld one of the more dangerous (having a chemical processing plant which is/was in danger).
    Hamburg will probably be saved, as the Elbe broadens quite a bit and the city is skilled in handling floods coming in from the North Sea.

  • In Austria I heard Salzburg was flooded and the Czech capital of Prague was also flooded. I believe the floods also poured into Slovakia.

  • Yeah China is pretty bad. We in Amercia get massive floods in Texas and off the Mississippi river all the time.

  • @Yanny:

    Yeah China is pretty bad. We in Amercia get massive floods in Texas and off the Mississippi river all the time.

    massive like in 7.5 meters above normal? that was the highest tide in Dresden…. a 9.5 meter deep river, 2 meters are usual. …
    i have seen houses washed away … stone houses :)

  • @F_alk:


    Yeah China is pretty bad. We in Amercia get massive floods in Texas and off the Mississippi river all the time.

    massive like in 7.5 meters above normal? that was the highest tide in Dresden…. a 9.5 meter deep river, 2 meters are usual. …
    i have seen houses washed away … stone houses :)

    At least the EU will help Germany to rebuild… It’s good to see the solidarity within the EU is not just on paper.

    I also wish it will help Schroeder in september 22…

  • @F_alk:


    And while Im on it, if your going outlaw websites, my not books too?

    “Mein Kampf” is illegal in germany.

    Thats sad, where is your freedom of speech?
    Did they burn them all?

  • Thats sad, where is your freedom of speech?
    Did they burn them all?

    Freedom of speech… I read Mein Kampf and this book should not be legal, it is only stupid delusion of a religious fanatic…

    Freedom of speech should not be use to attack other culture, in germany neonazi group are illegal, they cannot make website, cannot organize themself but they use America “freedom” to make website and to communicate… just idiot, germany and france ask America to make such website illegal on their server but America refuse, seem like we can use our freedom to destroy the freedom of other people in the USA…

  • Yan can make the web sites illegal but they will still be there.
    Do you know how much illegal web site material there is in cyberspace?
    Its out of control!

    Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.
    Any intelligent person with any sense at all will read Mein Kampf and find it a bunch of dribble. Its not going to turn everyone who reads it into a Nazi.

    Education and learning from the past may help this type of thing from happening again. Not throwing a blanket on it and covering everyone’s eyes.

    I do, however, understand the Nazi iusse being far more sensitive in Germany itself and reasons for making things related to it illegal, I just don’t agree.

  • FYI: Did anyone know that the computer game, “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” is illegal in Germany? Sort of along the lines that you were talking about. Kind of interesting.

  • Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

  • FinsterniS, ya are being a little rough on yourself sir. You keep saying that “we” are aware of what “we” did. I can’t speak for everyone else but I hold no malice for your generation of Germans. The quarrel was with the WWII generation. And I to a point, could respect the average German infantryman.

  • @Jazz:

    FinsterniS, ya are being a little rough on yourself sir. You keep saying that “we” are aware of what “we” did. I can’t speak for everyone else but I hold no malice for your generation of Germans. The quarrel was with the WWII generation. And I to a point, could respect the average German infantryman.

    Yup, you are not part of that “we”.
    We hold special responsibility for never letting it happen again. That is one of the reasons, why you find an interesting situation in germany, wrt Israel: we know we have to be careful, because of our history, in critizing them, but we clearly see that there is a government fighting a bloody civil war against ppl that it does not consider full citizens.

    And to a point: i can’t respect german soldiers in WWII, not as a rule of thumb anyway, and not after i have talked to a handful of old ones ….
    the rather stupid cold war was the best that could happen to them!

  • Thats nice falk :)

  • @FinsterniS:

    Trying to cover up what the Nazis did and pretend it never happen isn’t going to help anything.

    That is just horrible, and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Every german know exactly what we have done, even our politicians argue if a german could say he’s proud to be german. We NEVER, NEVER try to deny what we have done, in school we learn of our error, because it is important so we won’t repeat the same thign over and over again. We don’t try to cover up anything, WE NEVER PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPEN, we just don’t tolerate Nazism in Germany !

    No one is trying to cover up anything in Germany, they are trying to sotp if from ever happening again. There are other countries that still deny their involvement in the Holocaust. The best example is Austria. During the Anschluss, the Austrians allowed the Germans to come in without firing a single shot and gladly fed the Germans candy and gave them cigars. They even volunteered for the army and gave their Jews away to Hitler, who was an Austrian himself.

    I heard a story once ofr a German who was against the Nazis and he owned a house in Austria, where he was vacationing when the Nazis came to power. He decided to stay in his Austiran home because he could not come back and because in Austria they speak German and are Germanic peoples so it was just like being at home. He talks about how the people there were extrmeely hippocritical there. He gives the example of a woman that was a storeowner. He would buy cigars from ehr store everyday and talk to her. The day before the Anschluss, she told him of how Austria was a separate country from Germany, and about how the Austrians would never be part of Germany and about how Austria was independent and would stay that way. The next day, when the Nazis came into Austria, he saw her waving a Swastika and giving out free chocolates and cigars to the soldiers. He managed to escpae to Switzerland and once he crossed the border he said that from then on, he promised to never set foot in Austria again. He said it was disgusting how a nation could do something so horrible.

    Austria, unlike Germany, never formally accepted responsibility for its actions during the Holocaust and paid very little reparations. My grandfather, who was from Vienna, Austria, had to work very hard to get a very meagre compensation from them and it took many years. He is one of the lucky ones.

    Interestingly enough, Elie Wiesenthol, a Jew who survived the Holocaust, is a man who has devoted his entire life to bringing every person who played a part in the Holocaust to justice, even if he was a solider who killed only one person. He has caught many of the Nazis, including the infamous Adolf Eichmann (also from Austria). His headquarters are at the centre of European anti-semitism, in Vienna, Austria. the Austrians are bigger Nazis than the actual Nazis.

    My point with all this is to show the difference between two neighbouring countries. Germany has chosen to accept what it did and is trying to prevent it again. Austria is not. If you want to read Mein Kampf, go to Austria. It’s not that long of a drive and they also use Euros, so dont worry about having to exchane your money so that you can afford it.

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