hmm……ok maybe too long. XD
To long, comrade.
which country has best forign policy?
I don’t think I know enough about policies in general, but umm…. go Canada! :lol:
it depends on what you’re looking for. from what i see over here germany looks not bad. Fairly amicable, with little kow-towing to the Americans.
i’d rate America as last on the list.
The aussies seem to have it going on too. Of course Canada tries to make the big play as being pro-African nations, anti-terrorism, and buddies-with-America-without-sleeping-with-her, and does everything to a fairly mediocre extent. At least America is trying to broker peace in the mid-east - we don’t really do anything.
Britain is a little too “Americansy” as well.
What does Aus. stand for?
Austria ? Australia ?
(like the famous Tshirt you can get in Austria: Showing acartoon of a mountain, with Edelweiss (which is a flower) and a sad looking Kangaroo….
With the subscribt: There are no Kangaroos in Austria !) :)
The U.S. spends billions in aid per country per year. We saved the Kurds from Sadam, and Kosovars, and ethnic Albanians, Muslims, from the Christian Serbs.
We saved the Kurds from Sadam, and Kosovars, and ethnic Albanians, Muslims, from the Christian Serbs.
Well …. kind of…
What does Aus. stand for?
Austria ? Australia ?
Yes we have YB. But, our Businesses take advantage of the worlds worst poverty for a profit. We control the world like the Romans, people go along with us not to help us but in fear.
Yes we have YB. But, our Businesses take advantage of the worlds worst poverty for a profit. We control the world like the Romans, people go along with us not to help us but in fear.
some people go along because they believe that they might gain leverage from doing so:
various warlords in unstable countries,
various weak Canadian (and other commonwealth) prime ministers.
Oh yeah, i was thinking of an addendum to the poll:
Which country produces the highest number of people who can spell “country” properly . . .
California. (NOT the US!)
Yes we have YB. But, our Businesses take advantage of the worlds worst poverty for a profit. We control the world like the Romans, people go along with us not to help us but in fear.
True, but there are other aspects to consider. Some of those same businessmen spend more on humanitarian aid then does the US altogether. For example, consider Bill Gates. He dumps $10 billion dollars into AIDS research like it’s pocket change. Altogether, he’s spent more on AIDS research than the US has. This isn’t to mention all the other charities and organizations that he’s funded.