• with regards to the 12 years thing, i’d understood that weapons inspectors were in Iraq for 8 years, and hadn’t dug up anything.

    Uhhh… no. The weapons inspectors found a whole lot of Saddam’s arsenal. That’s the main reason why he wanted them out.

  • The limited inspection deal is ludicrous. Even inspectors with full, unlimited access to Iraqi installations, I doubt they’ll be lifting to see what’s under every rug. Hell, he could hide the majority of his arsenal out in desert bunkers and nobody would find it. This doesn’t mean I’m all with an invasion either, but the difficulties are there…

  • @Mr:

    About your " oh the poor American flag burning Iraqis" stance, do you want a tissue?

    ahem, did i tell you about the guy from close to my hometown to produces easy-burning flags?
    The US and Israel are the main products….

  • Ha, foolish guy. Nothing is to be obtained from burning flags.

  • . . . unless it’s REALLY really cold out, and you want to both make a statement and keep your little tootsies warm.

  • Statements like those I find baseless. It would be the same as I going into a factory and shouting, “Workers unite!” without giving any sufficent reason or actively participating.

  • “Secret US-Iran Understanding Co-opting Iran to US Military Front Against Baghdad Iran Joins Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrain in Broadening Pro-American Muslim-Arab War Alliance”

    Questions or comments?

    information obtained from http://www.debka.com/

  • @TG:

    Ha, foolish guy. Nothing is to be obtained from burning flags.

    Well, he makes quite some bucks with that :)

  • @Jazz:

    Questions or comments?

    information obtained from http://www.debka.com/

    Well, looking at this site is comment enough.
    I don’t think that anyone here could assume they are not biased towards Israel.

  • @F_alk:


    Questions or comments?

    information obtained from http://www.debka.com/

    Well, looking at this site is comment enough.
    I don’t think that anyone here could assume they are not biased towards Israel.

    naturally everyone here is biased, to some degree, towards or against Israel.
    But it appears most of us like sandwiches :)

  • Egypt, Saudi Arabia … no surprise.
    Iran has the most to gain … our good graces(for the short term) and influence with the Shi’ite Muslims in Iraq. This will enable Iran to have a say in the founding of the new Iraqi gov’t. Better yet, the possibility that part of Iraq may split and join Iran to become the founding member nations of the Great Islamic Republic.
    As the Debka article states … Iran does not have to stop hating nor working toward the destruction of Isreal. Too many gifts for Iran to pass up. - Xi

  • Well, if Bush’s crazy bill gets passed in the Senate (giving him free reign to attack any country in the region), Iran is next after Iraq.

  • He won’t get everything he wants. That’s why it’s called ‘checks and balances.’
    Oh, yeah! Iran is on the list and THEY KNOW IT! However, change will come from within Iran. The gov’t. has been to oppressive for too long there. The people are pushing for freedom. The Saudi gov’t. is also aware that it’s time is limited. They may not like it, but if those governing do not help to change the gov’t. themselves, they will not like the outcome at all (OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!) - Xi

  • “Checks and Balances” doesn’t work a month before the election.

  • Well, he makes quite some bucks with that

    Hahahaha… the irony of capitalism. :wink: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing but watch helplessly and complain.” Tell him that, you tell him word for word.

    The Saudi gov’t. is also aware that it’s time is limited. They may not like it, but if those governing do not help to change the gov’t. themselves, they will not like the outcome at all (OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!) - Xi

    Well if the Royal Saudi family does go, who will replace them? How will you keep extremism and Wahhabism under control?

    naturally everyone here is biased, to some degree, towards or against Israel.
    But it appears most of us like sandwiches

    Nah, I don’t really have feelings either way for them (will I support the Republic or the Confederacy? :roll:). But you’re right, I do like sandwiches. 8)

  • State Supreme Courts and The US Supreme Court have acted quickly when needed … see Presidential Election, 2002. - Xi

  • @F_alk:

    did i tell you about the guy from close to my
    hometown to produces easy-burning flags?


    Well, he makes quite some bucks with that.

    Capitalism works! Even for Liberal Europeans who despise it!
    :lol: (Not u F_k.) - Xi

  • I am sure he sends that evil money to pay off the debts of the 3rd world. :wink:

  • Just had a chat with my dad. Just about got into the whole “attack Iraq, anti-palastinian, anti-kyoto, 2-tier health care, Alberta seceeding from Canada, Cretien is a cretin” discussion. Glad we only “touched” on the first two - otherwise i’d never get to bed :)
    (i’m still not sure that attacking Iraq is a good idea, although i am starting to think that we need some action. Dad’s turned into a warhawk (albeit a Liberal one) in his old age.

  • F_alk:

    I don’t think that anyone here could assume they are not biased towards Israel.

    Hey, I admitt they are supporters of Israel but they are open about it. Not like CNN and the biased “stuff” they say.

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