Would be interesting to play heroes!

  • What if our intrepid hero gets killed? :(

  • then u can tell all ur little army men that the bad bad man killed ur hero so they get all ped off and attack at 3 or 4 :wink:

  • Ha, I that’s a pretty good idea.
    “Kill my General!?? That’s it, somebody is gonna pay! :evil:”
    But I wonder, how much would Admirals and Generals cost? Does each country get one at the start of the game? Can you replace loss ones?

  • @Anonymous:

    then u can tell all ur little army men that the bad bad man killed ur hero so they get all ped off and attack at 3 or 4 :wink:

    wouldn’t morale fall like a rock?
    That way there would be incentive to “kill the leader”.

  • …Yeah, Sad Sack, that’s right.

    This would have to be a very simple thing. The hero/general/model/cartoon would be on the board at the beginning of the game, if they get killed (they personally would have an attack/defend of 0/1) they’re out, and that’s it. If you can buy more, they wouldn’t be as special, and all anbody would do is spend their money on Betty Grables :P (Heck, I’d do it! But that’s not what the game’s about.) We obviously know all the american heros, what we need to do is research some for the other countries. Oh, maybe they should start at their respective capitals? What do you think?

  • Well, first are all the generals suppose to be different from the others? Like USA’s general bonus is +1 to all inf, while UK’s general bonus is +1 to all ARM?

  • :D What about a magic sword that’s +1 to all INF? Or a “wizard” unit? :D


  • Okayyyyyyy now :wink: Maybe bayonnet charges, that might fit the bill for inf

  • how about there is yourself in the game so you can move about and when you die your country is out (attk.0 def.0)

  • @GeZe:

    how about there is yourself in the game so you can move about and when you die your country is out (attk.0 def.0)

    how very “avatar”-like.

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