You are my hero, thank you very much
2007 Newbie Q&A
Another question, when roads connect into one or more town hexes and then continue on, is the road considered contiguous? Put another way, are there effectively roads IN all of the town hexes?
I believe this to be true, please confirm:
When it says that SS-Haup ignores face-up disruption counters, it means all effects of the disruption counters including the normal loss of the initiative bonus?
I believe this to be true, please confirm:
When it says that SS-Haup ignores face-up disruption counters, it means all effects of the disruption counters including the normal loss of the initiative bonus?
Ignore means you treat it as if it weren’t there, so yes the SS-HSF still gives its initiative bonus.
Here is another noob question. Can you move units during the combat phase if you don’t intend to have them attack? I haven’t rad any thing that says you can’t just wondering.
Here we go again,
I think someone already asked this but let me ask again. When moving a unit can it move through a space maxed out on its stacking limit if it’s only passing through?
Another noob question,
When attacking a unit with more than one unit do you roll for each one or do you roll for all of them?
I know it’s bad I don’t know the answer to that but I figured I had better ask, b/c some units defense rating is so high that not many units can hit that defense.
Each unit attacks individually
Thats what I thought, but I think it was worth asking.