Xi’s views -
A) National defense Yes
B) Green space(parks and preserves) NO, when taken from private citizens(eminent domain), but ‘yes’ when donated.
C) Medicare No,we need to care for ourselves and our children. Not expect others to do so.
D) National college program No
E) Research new environmentally friendly energy sources NOPrivate industry does it more efficiently, andwill doo it when we are within 30 years of running out of oil or coal.
F) Graduated tax structure(poor-0%, middle-20%, upper-40%, rich-70%ish) No
G) Allow the UN to tax, judge and jail citizens NO, NO, NO!
H) Permanent firearm registration No
I) 12 month paid leave from work for birth of a child, spouse, or parent No
J) Jordan’s(nation)right to exist(1947-gift-sherriff of Mecca-Saudi Arabia Maybe
K) Legalize marijuana NO!
L) Set cost controls on public utilities NO, because the prices they pay for services/goods cannot be limited(California is a great example of this.
M) Affirmative action No
N) Open borders NO!
O) Medicaid No, see Medicare[C above]
P) National ID for all citizens, immigrants and foreigners.NO, the Social Security # used in the US was, originally, only to be used for SS payments, but we use it for everything now, an invasion of privacy.
Q) Campaign finance reform NO, every time they try it the lawyers find a way around it. Remember, lawyers wrote the laws :D
R) National health care NO!
S) Planned urban growth No, big gov’t. telling lil gov’t and individuals exactly what you can build(or not) and where(or not).
T) Enforce extant laws (legislature not to pass redundant laws) YES
U) Children’s rights LIMITED, liberals want kids to be able to choose pierced ears, birth control, abortion, education, separation from parents, etc. at an early age.
V) Raise the national minimum wage NO, the New England states have a higher minimum wage and it is killing small businesses/starting employment so they want the rest of the US to raise theirs. Almost all unions have their wages tied to the minimum wage . . . their wages will go up the % taht the minimum wage increases.
W) One national langauge Yes, English.
X) Literacy program to raise the national average to 12th grade Yes
Y) Eliminate racial profiling NO, If a white man commits a crime, I want the police to be able to look for a suspicious white man. :wink:
Z) Rehabilitate criminals LIMITED, split them into groups(e.g., young rehabilitatable, old non rehabilitatable{split this group into crime specialties to limit crosstraining). :P Just an idea.
a) Social Security yes, but PRIVATIZE it, allowing 1% increase per year(possible decreases/additional increases of 1/2% per year, not to go below 1/2% in future) of that which is already withheld, and NO LIMIT on deposits of other earnings.
b) Fight terrorism Yes
c) Eliminate tarriffs YES,(e.g.) the US steel industry will remain weak if tarriffs continue. The US steel industry asked the Bush43 administration to pay the retirement of 600,000 steelworkers[that’s your $ they’re taking].
d) National preschool and afterschool programs No
e) Reproductive rights for women NO, read it ABORTION and free contraceptives.
f) Recognize the Republic of China as a sovereign nation Maybe
g) Limit all elected national legislators to one term(exceptions - Chrmn., Pr. Min., Pres., Premier-two terms) Yes, the founding fathers intended turnover in the legislature for new ideas(not lifetime politicians, but for them to earn a living in the private sector).
h) Legalize suicide/euthanasia No
i) Flat Income tax YES, to encourage people to work harder/earn more and keep more/the same percentage.
j) Pay victim reparations No
k) National legal care No
l) School voucher program ABSOfrickenLUTELY, to shake up the entrenched education system. Many inner city blacks/African-americans see vouchers as a way out of the morass of the inner city schools.
m) Prayer in schools Yes
n) Exclusive groups and right to use public facilities allowed(Women’s colleges, Boy Scouts, Black Panthers, etc.) YES, private colleges and BSA are good. Those with bad intentions(e.g., KKK or Nazis will always be with us. Why not have them where we can keep an eye on them?
I am not omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent, but I am damn close to it! - Xi