• I was being light hearted :lol:

    I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”

    Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.

    Does there have to be a purpsoe for our exsitance?

    ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.

    Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:

  • “Maybe im dumb?..…uh no”

    No, I wouldn’t say so at all. You play Axis and Allies. Only smart people play Axis and Allies. :wink:

  • @Mr:

    I was being light hearted :lol:

    I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”

    Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.

    Does there have to be a purpsoe for or exsitance?

    ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.

    Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:

    i actually do not worship a higher being to give reason to my life. I’m sure there are a lot of religious people who do. I wonder if i was even more active in worship if the reason to my life would become more clear, or a greater purpose might stand out.
    no, i worship because i know i should. Because i’m told to in a way that the bible and my parents don’t tell me to.

  • @cystic:


    I was being light hearted :lol:

    I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”

    Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.

    Does there have to be a purpsoe for or exsitance?

    ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.

    Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:

    i actually do not worship a higher being to give reason to my life. I’m sure there are a lot of religious people who do. I wonder if i was even more active in worship if the reason to my life would become more clear, or a greater purpose might stand out.
    no, i worship because i know i should. Because i’m told to in a way that the bible and my parents don’t tell me to.

    You “should” worship?
    If you dont mind my asking, why should you worship God or anything at all?
    Is God asking for your worship?

  • My life is my life. I live it for myself, not for anyone else. I won’t be told its all just a sham because some “higher being” says so.

  • @Mr:



    I was being light hearted :lol:

    I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”

    Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.

    Does there have to be a purpsoe for or exsitance?

    ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.

    Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:

    i actually do not worship a higher being to give reason to my life. I’m sure there are a lot of religious people who do. I wonder if i was even more active in worship if the reason to my life would become more clear, or a greater purpose might stand out.
    no, i worship because i know i should. Because i’m told to in a way that the bible and my parents don’t tell me to.

    You “should” worship?
    If you dont mind my asking, why should you worship God or anything at all?
    Is God asking for your worship?

    I don’t mind you asking. It is a little hard to explain to a non-believer tho’. Basically i believe that God created everything, has a plan for my life of some kind, cares about me, and i believe that Jesus died for me. I also believe that much of what i am and have is a result of what God has given and done for me. It sounds pretty simple, but we thank God for what he’s done, we praise God for what he is (powerful, good, etc.) - and that is worship.
    I think God does ask for worship - at least at a basic level - i.e. prayer. That’s another thing i like about Christianity (particularly post-reformation Christianity) is the idea that God wants to communicate with us. I believe that when i pray, i am talking to my creator and guide, and that God responds.
    Obviously it’s not very scientific, and an atheist could certainly think of many possibilities refuting that any of this actually happens, but the fact is that i feel/believe/know that it happens. Even if it isn’t happening, it does add something to my life - makes it more full than my life might be otherwise. I feel less alone, and that someone cares, and i also feel “directed” and yet i have not been diagnosed with anything yet.
    Sorry if a little long-winded. hope you don’t think i’m nuts.

  • @Yanny:

    Ok, time for me to help out the good people here.

    90 percent of Religions in the history of the world have been Polytheist. However, the conquerers of the world, the Muslims and Christians, just happen to be the ruling Religion at this time. There are still incredibly popular Polytheist religions (Hinduism) and in fact incredibly popular Religions where no god is featured (Buddism).

    Why should I believe in a philosophy so alien to almost all past cultures? People believed the Earth was flat 600 years ago, should I take that as true now?

    Your “Jesus” has nothing to back up his claims but far fetched stories and a legend about himself. In fact, the three major Monotheist Religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islaam) cannot even agree on who Jesus was. How are you to say one Religion is right and one is wrong here?

    You could argue that we’re the most successful society on earth, its because we believe in God. Canada and Japan have a better quality of life than the United States. In fact, we’ve gotten to our Superpower status through Science, but also through Greed, Violence, and the lives of millions. God isn’t reponsible for this, if you want a true Religion look into yourself.

    The Polytheistic Religions of the Ancient World were as successful as we were. The Egyptians built great Pyramids, which rival any structure we can put together today. The Greeks jumped in leaps and bounds in the fields of Science and Art, and Democracy. The Romans ruled the world, made an incredible amount of advancement in almost every field of science, engineering, and military force. In fact, the fall of the Roman Empire is often attributed to the disorder of Christianity.

    Why should I believe in a “Heavan” and “Hell”. I don’t think this all mighty god really cares about what I did during my life. In fact, all three Monotheist Religions cannot agree on what Heavan and Hell is.

    Let me just express my opinion about life after death.

    I dont care!

    I’ll find out when I die.

    What you don’t believe Jesus is lord?!?!?!? I’m kidding! Catholicism is polythesistc with all of the saints and god made of three different parts.

    Polytheism is the least logical. There is some kind of something (not things) or nothing. Not more than one.

  • Saints are people the “god” has picked to become kinda like Demi-Gods, I think. Christianity is a monotheist Religion.

  • Nah, Catholicism is not polytheistic, Horten you silly rabbit. That is protestant propaganda. Holding up saints as the ideal of a good person is different than worshipping them as “gods.” An unusually ignorant statement.

  • About Christianism; it is clearly monotheistic. There is one god.

    BTW You did’nt answer me YB.

  • Christians themselves can’t even agree.

  • :lol:

  • @Wild2000:


    Christians themselves can’t even agree.

    Neither can evolutionists. Strange thing is that evolution is based on “hard, undeniable evidence.”

    Nothing strange, evolution is based on undeniable evidence, they are just looking how it happen.

  • @FinsterniS:



    Christians themselves can’t even agree.

    Neither can evolutionists. Strange thing is that evolution is based on “hard, undeniable evidence.”

    Nothing strange, evolution is based on undeniable evidence, they are just looking how it happen.


    well, they look at the “evidence”, sift through it, and ask “what might cause all of this to happen”? They then issue a series of “best guesses” - hypotheses, if you will, that is reiterated so often as to become considered fact. Certainly there is “evidence” - all over the place. The question is what is it evidence of? Certainly it might be applied to evolution, there is little question that it seems to fit. One might suggest the same of intelligent design however, as opposed to a random series of mutations. I’d say the evidence is just about as hard in either case.

  • Certainly there is “evidence” - all over the place. The question is what is it evidence of?

    evidence of evolution, evidence the young earth creationist are stuck in time. If we look at bacteria; they breed faster than us and they change faster too, virus change very fast, they evolve. Also the dinosaur are a very great pain to those who believe the earth was created 10 000 years ago… (note that their explication is very funny).

    If you believe evolution occur, but with the help of god, well that’s a little more coherent, but there is a logico-empirical problem in the reasonning, also a good exemple of the incapacities of the human mind to conceive that intelligence is not the only designer. And the “evey design need designer” argument can be refute by every design we understand… a mountain, a star, a snowflake… The earth itself.

  • @FinsterniS:

    If you believe evolution occur, but with the help of god, well that’s a little more coherent, but there is a logico-empirical problem in the reasonning, also a good exemple of the incapacities of the human mind to conceive that intelligence is not the only designer. And the “evey design need designer” argument can be refute by every design we understand… a mountain, a star, a snowflake… The earth itself.

    I prefer the “every design MAY HAVE a designer”. For the mountain and snowflake, i believe it’s entirely possible (and likely) that the laws that governed their creation were set forth circa creation. The same might apply to the star, the galaxy, etc. for the sun is a very handy star - the appropriate amount of radiation eminates from it in order to support life without killing it. Very lucky we are to have that star, indeed. Mind you, if we didn’t have it, then luck would not be a factor.

  • Everything design we understand have no designer. Also for Mountain and snowflake, i really don’t understand the need of a designer, you are adding the concept just because it caution your believe, there is no reason to believe that.

    About the “sun is at the right place” argument, if it where not at the right place, we would’nt be there to question how it was at the right place, i mean if you roll 10 time a dice with 6 face and you chosse that you will have a baby only if you get 10 time 6, then you roll. There is only 1/(6^10) chance you wil have a baby, if you don,t get 10 time 6, you won’t have a baby so he won’t question anything.

    Also if you take all suns and all planet, the probability there is planet at the right place is high, also maybe there is a physical explanation why there is a planet at this place, and if not; there is a probabilictic explanation, so i don,t see anything special in it.

  • The Evolutionary Theory is incomplete for 3 reasons.

    1. The fact that the Fossil Record is incomplete, due to the nature of the record your going to have a lot of holes in the record.

    2. Time. Its barely been over 100 years since the theory of Evolution was concieved by Darwin.

    3. Religious Conservatism. People cannot accept the truth.

  • My Veiw on Religeon is kinda like this. Think of Life as an Algebraic expression. Science would be like Numbers that weve figured out alrdy and Religeon is like the Variable. in short that is my veiw. and i do not Believe in God. i think it is possible for the SuperNAtural to Exist but i do not think it is involved with god Cus God isnt Real :)

  • Well, it’s about time I jump in here. YB - you get an “A” for time and effort.

    Is our mere existence prove enough for God? We might be treading lightly here. It’s still an assumption based on faith. The one of many ultimate questions unanswerable and unprovable accredited to a diety.

    There is no question that religion has helped in the creation of laws/moral codes/ethics. Is this proof of God? They are creations of the faithful humans who choose to improve society/civilization. However, the early endorsed moral codes were far from complete. Slavery is a good example. First it was shown to be uneconomical in certain areas, then later, shown to be immoral. This wasn’t until the 19th century! Some morals…

    We view the Universe from our little planet with our limited science and technology. Anyone with the answers is suffering from misguided arrogance. Many answers to the Universe will remain outside human comprehension. Our increasing science will help us understand more and more over time, but the ultimate questions will still elude us.

    Humans have created their view of the Universe. They have also throughout history, created their gods…

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