• When I have used it…
    Build units (4 INF), 2 INF from Kazakh, 2 FIG, 1 AA, 1 IC

  • 2007 AAR League

    6 Inf + 2 Figs seems like a tempting target to me … it would be possible to wipe out the russian figs would it not?
    Of course you would probably have to leave Ukraine for a turn or 2 but still killing the russian figs would be worth it IMO

  • 2007 AAR League

    Perhaps we shall see in our game coming up  :wink:

  • When I do West Russia/Belorussia, I leave Caucasus pretty much open.  Like 3-4 infantry.  No AA gun.

    If Germany wants to stratbomb, great, that’s something else that didn’t get hit (like Anglo-Egypt).

    If Germany wants to invade heavily, great, they can attack with everything they have, and I can still kick them out with massed W. Russia/Russia forces next turn.

    If Germany wants to invade lightly - well, it’s not easy even then.  If Germany wants to attack without committing tanks, it has to use air, and you know how tricky it is to allocate German air on G1.  (Even if the Germans send the Med fleet west, if German fighters hit Caucasus, they MUST land in the east, which lets the Allies get a turbo boost on setting up their transport fleets, without the fighters in W. Europe to worry about that first turn).  If Germany DOES commit artillery and/or tanks, well, I just traded Russian infantry for German infantry, artillery, and/or tanks.  And what’s more - I traded Russian infantry for FORWARD MOBILIZED German infantry, artillery, and/or tanks.  Quite nice.

    Russian fighters land at Moscow.  This deters a German transport build in the Baltic on G1.

  • @ncscswitch:

    When I have used it…
    Build units (4 INF), 2 INF from Kazakh, 2 FIG, 1 AA, 1 IC

    I don’t do that with W Russia/Belorussia.  It is too tempting for the Germans to just say “okayz!”, and send the German army plus air support to wipe out Caucasus.  Germany CAN kill those Russian fighters if it has a mind to, and if it DOES do that, it is pretty costly to Germany - but also very costly to Russia.

  • @newpaintbrush:

    When I do West Russia/Belorussia, I leave Caucasus pretty much open.  Like 3-4 infantry.  No AA gun.

    I had been thinking 5-6 Inf and the AA Gun (but no fighters), thinking that anything less would make it too easy for Germany to take.  But based on your analysis, maybe it is better to tempt Germany into overextenting on G2.

  • 2007 AAR League

    usually leave it at 5 inf, AA gun.  (buying 3 inf,  3 arm on R1)

  • 2007 AAR League

    no aa, 1 inf.

    Go for it.

  • @Wazzup:

    no aa, 1 inf.

    Go for it.

    Naw, because remember that this is after West Russia/Belorussia, not West Russia/Ukraine.

    So Germany can attack with some craptastic force like 2 inf or whatever from Ukraine.  Germany loses 6 IPC of mobilized units, Russia loses 3 IPC of units, Germany gains 4 IPC from the territory, plus 1 or 2 more expected value for whatever the German infantry may destroy.

  • 2007 AAR League

    And Russian troops have 1 more space to walk to get to germany…

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