“Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway.” Oh gawsh that part had me rolling.
This is another great one: http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6650094/facebook-news-feed-history-of-the-world-world-war-i-to-world-war-ii
Well, thanks. Sorry, even I thought my joke came off a bit too retarded.
Oh well, time for me to Crypt Walk outta here! bah-da-dom! hahahahaha :lol:… :-? I was pushing it again there that time, right? :(
The problem is, Palestinian soldiers like to use women and children as shields
exactly…that is exactly what happened in Jenin.
I also forgot to mention how the Palestinian authority had full knowledge in advance of Sharon coming, and “protests” were organized before the visit.
“A Palestinian attacking a Military target is NOT terrorism.”
So the bomb that killed 240 US soldiers wasn’t terrorism? This was during a time after failed peace talks thanks to Arafat. Attacking Israeli soldiers that can bring about retaliatory measures isn’t exactly smart…also the fact that “military positions” are outside of the villages, towns, and cities. They had to go out of their way to fire bomb them and throw rocks. And the stabbings and shootings, though they can be considered hate crimes.
“An Israeli retaliating against Palestinian civilians IS terrorism”
Unless they are aiding it.
“A Palestinian attacking a Military target is NOT terrorism.”
So the bomb that killed 240 US soldiers wasn’t terrorism? This was during a time after failed peace talks thanks to Arafat. Attacking Israeli soldiers that can bring about retaliatory measures isn’t exactly smart…also the fact that “military positions” are outside of the villages, towns, and cities. They had to go out of their way to fire bomb them and throw rocks. And the stabbings and shootings, though they can be considered hate crimes.
“An Israeli retaliating against Palestinian civilians IS terrorism”
Unless they are aiding it.
The stabbing and shooting considered hate crimes…to say the least!
More news about Israel…
Good and bad.
Peace talks, though we all know we won’t get the desired result.
The Israeli parliment passed a law legalizing discrimination of race when giving state land to israeli citizens, overruling a supreme court ruling that said the opposite. Furthermore, another law was passed that made it illegal for parliment officials to say anything bad about Israel. ISrael is the closest thing to a free society in the Middle East, but the perpetual war going on is destroying that democracy.
“another law was passed that made it illegal for parliment officials to say anything bad about Israel.”
Ha, it’s starting to sound a lot like the Communist Red Scare.
“another law was passed that made it illegal for parliment officials to say anything bad about Israel.”
Ha, it’s starting to sound a lot like the Communist Red Scare.
exactly, war indeed brings out the worse in people.
But one thing-the law about discriminatory land policies. A strong majority of Muslim israelis are pro-palestinian. It is a possibility thbat part of the motivation for the law was to not give land near areas militants can be sneaked in. But i’m sure it is mostly because it is racist.
It all gives me a headache
“exactly, war indeed brings out the worse in people.”
And sometimes, war brings out the best in people too.
Yay! Another Pro-Israel supporter in the forums! Nice posts Horten! It will be better in Israel. That law will be eliminated later on. I don’t think Sharon started the Intifada and I don’t think the Palestinians have this right to uprising that someone posted here. 97% of them are under Arafat’s control, so what does Israel have to do with their bad lives? Also, their lives were much worse under Egypt and Jordan but they didnt attempt rebellion under them. The whole Palestinian conflict is a tool for fighting Israel. I’ll make a thread posting some research of mine on the topic.
So exactly how many Pro-Israel supporters does this make? I’m Pro-Israel for now, but I think they could’ve found a better leader then Sharon (of course the same could be said for Arafat).
That law will be eliminated later on.
Exactly, after the taxes have been lowered, the unemployement rate has dropped to zero, politicians have become trustworthy, and christmas eve and good friday have fallen on the same day……
I don’t think Sharon started the Intifada and I don’t think the Palestinians have this right to uprising that someone posted here. 97% of them are under Arafat’s control, so what does Israel have to do with their bad lives? Also, their lives were much worse under Egypt and Jordan but they didnt attempt rebellion under them.
I think everyone has the right to uprise when your lands are annexed.
97% …. i somewhere have heard the complain that Arafat has lost control over his ppl. These two don’t fit.
Maybe they didn’t rebel in Jordan and/or Egipt for two other reasons:
(1) They considered themselves guests there, and not home
(2) Maybe it was not that bad, that tanks drove through their towns and “by mistake” open fire on civilians with their bord-MGs (as happened not long ago) ?
“exactly, war indeed brings out the worse in people.”
And sometimes, war brings out the best in people too.
No, never…unless the technology helps us blow up a comet that would kill us.
Comradship? you kill a man to earn that.
Falk, you would of never heard of that law if i didn’t write about it! And god willing, the israeli supreme court stops it.
BTW, the palestinains have THE BEST quality of life for arabs in the area and all surrounding countries! the issue is pushed by all arab governments to cover their corruption. I believe most europeans support “palestinians” to spite America, because if you think what israel has done is bad, forget about the arab nations, and the “palestinian” leadership. Muslims can legally live in israel. There are “jewish free zones” in palestine…why should there be a palestinian state then? I only support one, because one of two things can happen. There is real peace, or the palestinians majorly screw up, and israel destroys their infrastructre to bring a temporary peace. Yes colonization (the settlements) must end, israel is far from perfect, but i can name many countries neighboring israel that are far worse, and opressed the “palestinians” far more.
":I think everyone has the right to uprise when your lands are annexed. "
It wasn’t theirs, and it was annexed by Jordan! Israel took it away from a nation massing a dangerous military presence. The palestinains weren’t annexed, they attacked, losing their chance for a state…but who cares about history!
"97% … i somewhere have heard the complain that Arafat has lost control over his ppl. These two don’t fit. "
arafat is a huge symbolic leader, but he is mostly like a Mob king pin. There are lesser police leaders and others of the sort that use Palestinain Authority police to get forced bribes and rule the country under the gun. No wonder why the police can’t stop terror…they don’t even fight crime.
"Maybe they didn’t rebel in Jordan and/or Egipt for two other reasons:
(1) They considered themselves guests there, and not home "
When jordanian and egyptian armies came, they left their homes fearing the effect of the battles. The jordanians especially shoved the palestinians in gigantic “refugee camps”, shit shanty towns. they were pissed off, but their anger, like the rest of the middle east, was pointed towards israel.
“(2) Maybe it was not that bad, that tanks drove through their towns and “by mistake” open fire on civilians with their bord-MGs (as happened not long ago) ?”
Yes, but there were fire bombs, and missile tanks, and guys with guns hiding behind crowds with rocks…thats what you are talking about, right?
Falk, you would of never heard of that law if i didn’t write about it! And god willing, the israeli supreme court stops it.
True, i haven’t heard of that law before. But (and this is true for any country in the world) i do not expect a government to give up power (or tax income or whatever) once they have seized it.
":I think everyone has the right to uprise when your lands are annexed. "
It wasn’t theirs, and it was annexed by Jordan! Israel took it away from a nation massing a dangerous military presence. The palestinains weren’t annexed, they attacked, losing their chance for a state…but who cares about history!
Well, then give it all back to the Turks, who have ruled over that land for most of the last 1000 years. To say “it’s not theirs” you have to define under which conditions you can claim ownership, how long ago is your claim, how long did you own it then and all this. I guess our views differ there, which leads to supporting different groups.
“(2) Maybe it was not that bad, that tanks drove through their towns and “by mistake” open fire on civilians with their bord-MGs (as happened not long ago) ?”
Yes, but there were fire bombs, and missile tanks, and guys with guns hiding behind crowds with rocks…thats what you are talking about, right?
No, i mean that incident about two weeks ago, where the israeli military admitted “it was a mistake” and promised to have a closer look at that.
If you want me, then i can search for the actual date and place.
"True, i haven’t heard of that law before. But (and this is true for any country in the world) i do not expect a government to give up power (or tax income or whatever) once they have seized it. "
Wrong again! Under pressure from the labor party and Israeli public, the law wasn’t pushed from PArliment and never went through! (this is old news and I never got to reporting it!) I’m very happy to hear this.
"Well, then give it all back to the Turks, who have ruled over that land for most of the last 1000 years. To say “it’s not theirs” you have to define under which conditions you can claim ownership, how long ago is your claim, how long did you own it then and all this. I guess our views differ there, which leads to supporting different groups. "
I see where you are coming from…while we are at it, let’s remake the Roman empire. I call Emperor. Truth is that your logic dictates that we must support the state that exists in modern times. That state is Israel and by that logic you must support its existance.
"“No, i mean that incident about two weeks ago, where the israeli military admitted “it was a mistake” and promised to have a closer look at that.
If you want me, then i can search for the actual date and place.”
You could if you want (to tell the honest truth when you are searching through headlines a million of these pop up.) I bet that it was in some way provoked. It wouldn’t be the first time.