@ampdrive Awesome, thanks a lot!
Playing with standard 2nd edition rules
It can also be useful so Japan can land ftrs in Mon for defense.
This happened in one of my last games with Agent. IIRC, I had a solid Russian stack in Novo with additional armor in Mos that could have taken out a Japan move to Mongolia, but Agent overflew Mon with Ger, then with Japan he invaded and was able to land ftrs there giving himself the numerical advantage preventing the Russian counter.
I generally play giving myslef the Mon option, but rarely go through with it as my Allied opponents usually see it coming. With at least 2 inf bid to Man, I’ll take China heavy (all avail ground units), then unload in Man. This gives you the Mon option to move about 11 inf to Mon on J2. And if you do a Ger fly over that means 11 inf + ftrs, making it all but impossible for Russia to push you out if they didn’t prepare for it.
I’ve re-read the rules on violating neutrality…now this discussion makes sense! Thanks.