I love A&A Pacific. I bought it practially the day it hit the shelfs nearly a decade ago. I’ve played it so much that its more than worn out on me and i want to get a new copy. I realize that the game is out of print now, but unopened copys are still around at some stores. Does anyone know the difference between the 1st print edition and later print editions. For example the 1st print had a box that said it contained 445 pieces, but came with 335. The new box has a different logo in the corner and says it contains 330 pieces. This means some changes have been made between prints. perhapse they fixed the rulebook and setup card typo?
If any of you guys know of any differences i would greatly appreciate it. As i need to decide fairly soon weather or not to buy a new unopended copy of a later print or a used 1st edition print.
P.S. I realize that the new AAP40 will be out soon, but as a diehard A&A fan i have a complusive need to keep a crisp copy of each A&A title in good condition. Some of you will understand, others wont.