Well for me it was odd as i went to typically touristic places - Disney, Harper’s Ferry and a few Civil War sites, Arches Park near Moab Utah, as well as various places in South Dakota. Also i’m pretty chatty - i like meeting people, and i do everywhere i travel and make great friends. Still - no non-USies did i meet while travelling in the US. Just a weird coincidence.
You must of just had “bad” luck when going to Disney, I worked there for 2 semestesr and was just there over labor day - lots of Eurpeans. Hell, go to EPCOT, all of the people there working the foriegn countries are straight from their original country.
I remember 15 years ago (god am I old) I was working and had to take a lost child to main street in the Magic Kingdom (that is where we take them). It was so heart wrenching, this poor little french girl was so scared and I could say nothing to her because she did not speak English. When they find a lost child that does not speak English they call a call center with people who are versed in all languages who told her to come with me. She was holding my hand and I could feel her trembling.
I am getting off the point. Just suprised you didn’t see any non Americans at Disney (there are a bunch). Call it whatever you want, but since my Disney experience I have a dislike for Brazilian tourist (long story).