Well done!
Yamato 1941 & 1944 Versions
This is the definitive Yamato class 3D print sculpt from EBard Models.
Available in both the 1941 configuration and the 1944 configuration. EBard’s attention to detail is amazing and is befitting the king of battleships. Available as either the Yamato, Mushashi, Shinano or Kii.
I’ve painted it and added precise decals to the sculpt to bring it to life. It clearly surpasses the typical 3D print level. In finished form it becomes a conversation piece. This is my flagship game piece.
Here is the 1941 configuration with 6" secondary armament on each side:
Here is the 1944 configuration devoid of secondary side armament and loaded with anti-aircraft guns:
Visit my site at A&A Boardgaming and see the entire lineup of Japanese ships and more.
@grdhou This looks great, size wise how does it compare size wise to other hbg pieces or the oob pieces?
The EBard sculpt is approximately 69.5 x 11mm (LxW). The HBG Yamato sculpt is 66.5 x 9.5mm. The A&A OOB sculpt is 58.5 x 9mm.
Here is a comparison for visual reference.
The EBard sculpt is intentionally larger than other EBard A&A scale battleships to represent its massive size and power over contemporaries. The sculpt itself has amazingly fine detail that you won’t find elsewhere.