G40 Alt-Universe is for those who love Axis and Allies, but are looking for a new strategic experience. The war is the same, but occurs in an alternate universe where the Earth’s land formation happened differently. It’s a return to the early days of pouring over the map and developing strategies in an unfamiliar setting.
YouTube Video Introduction:
TripleA Game File Link:

Most Recent TripleA Game File Version: 2.0.12
Rules File:
G40 Alt-Universe Rules.pdf
(not current) National Objectives Card Deck:
G40 Alt Universe National Objective Card Deck.pdf
(not current) Rule Difference Summary Card Deck:
G40 Alt Universe Rule Differences Card Deck.pdf
Special thanks to @CorporalClegg for designing both decks.
Summary (National Objectives) File:
G40 Alt-Universe Summary.pdf
Unit Placement File:
G40 Alt-Universe Unit Setup.pdf
Map File:
Contact @Contango about getting the map file as it’s too large to host on the forum.
G40 Alt-Universe is designed to be played with the components and basic ruleset of Axis and Allies Europe 1940 Second Edition and Axis and Allies Pacific 1940 Second Edition.
For in-person play, if you already own Europe and Pacific 1940, all you need is a printed map file. If you’re interested in getting the map file, please private-message me or use the email mentioned in the YouTube video.
If you want to try the game electronically, I’ve also created a TripleA game file, available at the link mentioned above.
Note that the game is in a beta phase and might still be subject to minor changes, however, no map changes are anticipated and would be done only as a last resort in order to fix an exploit.
Strategy Videos:
Germany - https://youtu.be/rYkSKqlctZM
Russia - https://youtu.be/Dh-2z8Zso9g
Japan - https://youtu.be/x0UYA5if1KI
US - https://youtu.be/90WRDk5s0cg
Game Play Videos:
Contango vs Corporal Clegg & Piloto – YouTube Game - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiYPkgQBrKeGCKxJJwUnzFi5fQBgQxm4H
YouTube Game Strategy Commentary - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiYPkgQBrKeFKLB8oWmFoszBt8ZXTAiB8