You could use the US grey pieces as the German infiltration units during Battle of the Bulge.
LOL Epic!
Jeez… I’ve been lookin’ everywhere for extra pieces to my favorite game. But I can’t seem to find them! Not online at leats. Does anyone know where you can find them cheaply? Is the Milton Bradley address given in the rulebook still valid even? O_o I really need an extra sheet or two for a modification on the game that I’m busy working on with my friends. Anyway, if anyone can help me with this I’d be very grateful.
Try Xeno games.
I think their website is
But don’t quote me on that.
Thanks but I’m not sure if their selling about 200 pieces for 30 bucks is really such a great deal. Milton Bradley themselves sold a 299 original set for just $10.
the address given in the rule book is probably worth a shot.