• what do you think the battleship is or modeled after?

  • Customizer

    Hmm… a pretty primitive Looking Iowa class.  With some stacks I think it would more likely resemble one of the mediterranean ships (the Greeks had one called Georgios or something like that…) - if used with the others/oob’s, since it’s smaller. I thought about making it a neutral of some sort but abandoned the idea.  You?

  • I’ve always thought it looked alittle like the California-Class. The Carrier is alittle puzzling

  • Customizer

    Yeah… that carrier.  I actually painted two of them ages ago - with the thought that they’d be the mini-carriers due to their size in comparison to all the others I have.  But now when I look at them… they aren’t very nice as sculpts go, would take some modding to make them look cool.

    As to what it closely resembles?  WHew… no clue.  Although we can count out some of the carriers with the big stacks since it doesn’t have one…

  • yeah the carrier is a mess, maybe midway class?

  • Customizer

    At best!  I looked through my bits box… and there isn’t one that isn’t warped - the structure is leaning toward the runway, which is concave.  :|

  • sounds like yours are sinking Midways

  • Customizer

    The best thing about the fighters is the gear. I wish they all had them. The Japanese tacs look bad ass sitting on the board with the nose up.

  • Customizer


    The best thing about the fighters is the gear. I wish they all had them. The Japanese tacs look bad ass sitting on the board with the nose up.

    Quite right Holy Smoley!

  • @Most:

    The best thing about the fighters is the gear. I wish they all had them. The Japanese tacs look bad ass sitting on the board with the nose up.

    I agree to bad they don’t sit well on the carriers

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